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J-90x Reference Cards:   File:B.USLETTER.pdf   File:B.A4.pdf
Earlier reference sources:   Usr Pri JfC LJ Phr Dic Voc !:

KEY: Primitive Valence(s) COLOR CODE: Parts of Speech
= rank Monadic-name   •  Dyadic-name left-rank right-rank Verb Adverb Conjunction
_: monadic-rank  Dual-Valence-name  left-rank right-rank Noun Other Control

x y   Arguments of verbs
left / right
u v   Verb or noun operands of modifiers
left / right
m n   Noun operands of modifiers
left / right
= _ Self-Classify Equal  0 0 =. Is (Local) =: Is (Global)
< _  Box Lesser  0 0 <. 0  Floor Lesser of / Min  0 0 <: 0  Decrement Lesser or Equal  0 0
> 0  Open Greater  0 0 >. 0  Ceiling Greater of / Max  0 0 >: 0  Increment Greater or Equal  0 0
_ __ Negative Sign / Infinities _. Indeterminate _: __: _  Infinites  _ _
+ 0  Conjugate Plus  0 0 +. 0  Real / Imag GCD (Or)  0 0 +: 0  Double Not-Or  0 0
* 0  Signum Times  0 0 *. 0  Length / Angle LCM (And)  0 0 *: 0  Square Not-And  0 0
- 0  Negate Minus  0 0 -. 0  Not Less  _ _ -: 0  Halve Match  _ _
% 0  Reciprocal Divide  0 0 %. 2  Matrix Inverse Matrix Divide  _ 2 %: 0  Square Root Root  0 0
0  Exponential
Power  0 0

Stope Function  0 0

^. 0  Natural Log Logarithm  0 0 ^: _  Power of Verb  _ _

(If, Inverse, DoWhile)

$ _  Shape Of Shape  1 _ $. _  Sparse  _ _ $: _  Self-Reference  _ _
_  Reflex  Passive  lu ru
~. _  Nub   ~: _   Nub Sieve Not-Equal  0 0

0  Evoke  0 0

| 0  Magnitude Residue  0 0 |.
_  Reverse
_  Shift Right 1
Rotate  _ _

Shift  _ _

|: _  Transpose Rearrange Axes  1 _
. 2  Determinant Matrix Product  _ _
: Definition
(Explicit Def., Verb Anatomy, mu  Monad / Dyad  lv rv)
:. mu  Assign Obverse  lu ru :: _  Assign Adverse  _ _
, _  Ravel Append  _ _ ,. _  Ravel Items Stitch  _ _ ,: _  Itemize Laminate  _ _
; _  Raze Link  _ _ ;. Cut ;: 1  Words Seq. Machine  _ _
;.0 _  Reversed Subarray  2 _
;.±1 ±2 _  SelfIntervals Intervals  1 _
;.±3 _  MaxCubes Subarrays  2 _
# _  Tally Copy  1 _ #. 1  Base Two Base  1 1 #: _  Antibase Two Antibase  1 0
! 0  Factorial Out Of  0 0 !. mu  Fit (Customize)  lu ru !: 0  Foreign (System Functions)  0 0
/ _  Insert Table  _ _ /.
_  Oblique
Key  _ _
Key dyad  _ _
/: _  Grade Up Sort Up [Using]  _ _
\ _  Prefix Infix  _ _ \. _  Suffix Outfix  _ _ \: _  Grade Down Sort Down [Using]  _ _
[ _  Same Left  _ _ [. Lev [: Cap
] _  Same Right  _ _ ]. Dex ]: Ident
{ 1  Catalogue From  0 _ {. _  Head Take  1 _ {: _  Tail {:: _  Map Fetch  1 _
} _  Composite Item Amend  _ _ }. _  Behead Drop  1 _ }: _  Curtail {{ }} DirectDefinition
" Rank
(u"n  Assign, m"n  Constant, u"v m"v  Copy)
". 1  Do Numbers  _ _ ": _  Default Format Format  1 _
` Tie (Gerund) `: _  Evoke Gerund  _ _
@ mv  Atop  lv rv m@.n mv  Select From Agenda  lv rv @: _  At  _ _
m@.v mv  Agent  mv mv
m&v u&n _  Bond   &. mv  Under (Dual)  mv mv &: _  Appose  _ _ &.: _  Under  _ _
u&v mv  Compose  mv mv
? 0  Roll Deal  0 0 ?. _  Roll Deal  0 0 a. Alphabet (all bytes)
(fixed seed)
a: Ace (Boxed Empty) A. 1  Anagram Index Anagram  0 _ m b.
u b.
_  Boolean, Bitwise, Bitwise Shift  0 0

_  Verb Info (Obverse, Rank, Identity)

c. Convert to Precision  _ _ C.


1  Cycle-Direct

1  Permutation Parity

Permute  1 _


e. _  Raze In Member (In)  _ _
E. Find Matches  _ _ f. Fix F. F.. F.:
F: F:. F::
_  Fold  _ _
H. 0  Hypergeometric  0 0 i. 1  Integers Index Of  _ _ i: 0  Steps Index Of Last  _ _
I. 1  Indices Interval Index  _ _ j. 0  Imaginary Complex  0 0 L. _  Level Of
L: _  Level At  _ _ m.   Modular arithmetic    M. mu  Memo  lu ru
NB. Comment o. 0  Pi Times Circle Function  0 0 p. 1  Roots Polynomial  1 0
p.. 1  Polynomial Deriv. Polynomial Int.  0 1 p: 0  Primes  _ _ q: _  Prime Factors Prime Exponents  0 0
r. 0  Angle Polar  0 0 s: _  Symbol  _ _ S: _  Spread  _ _
t. _  Run as task  _ _ T. _  Set debug thread Threads/tasks  _ _ u: _  Unicode  _ _
x: _  Extended Precision  _ _ Z: _  Get Fold status Terminate Fold  _ _ _9: to 9: _  Constant Functions  _ _
(u v) _  Hook  _ _ (f g h) _  Fork  _ _
Modifier trains
u. v. _  u/v in caller's context  _ _
assert. Assertion break. Terminate loop continue. Terminate iteration
Execute alternative for.
Repeat for each item goto_lbl.
Go to label
if. Execute if return. Exit with result select.
Select among alternatives
throw. Throw to higher-level catcht. try.
Execute, catching errors while.
Loop while
45: obsolete
d. 0  Ordinary
u D.
m D.
mu  Derivative

mu  Assign Derivative

D: Secant Slope  mu mu
m&v u&n 0  PowerBond

Ancillary Pages

These are special articles written to comply with NuVoc standards, and tagged: Category:NuVoc.

They explain principles and practice in greater depth than appropriate on the primitives' pages themselves (all tagged: CategoryVoc), or which are relevant to more than one page.

They are task-oriented rather than function-oriented

  • i.e. they describe features from the point-of-view of what the reader wants to achieve, rather than document J's functionality (as the primitive-pages do)

These pages are linked from the primitive-pages themselves, at the point where they are relevant.

But for convenient lookup and revision, they are listed below:

J Reference Sheets One Sheet J Reference pages for J602 and J90X
Vocabulary/AboutNuVoc About the Accessible Dictionary: how and why
Vocabulary/AccurateAccumulation +/!.0 y and x +/@:*"1!.0 y to avoid roundoff error
Vocabulary/AET "Absolutely essential J terms" to know for NuVoc
Vocabulary/Agreement How argument cells are matched for dyads (with tables)
Vocabulary/AmendingBoxedStructures Making replacements inside a boxed array
Vocabulary/ArrayProcessing How do you process an array? (an introduction)
Vocabulary/Assignment Private and public assignment explained
Vocabulary/Beginner's Q&A What a beginner needs to know, in brief
Vocabulary/Constants Number formation (an intro by examples)
Vocabulary/ControlStructures Control words used in J definitions
Vocabulary/CyclicGerund Cyclic gerunds explained
Vocabulary/Debug How to debug an explicit definition
Vocabulary/DirectDefinition Use {{ }} to write explicit definitions
Vocabulary/Dissect Pictorial view and analysis of a J sentence
Vocabulary/EZRank Rank in a hurry: "rank" concept rapidly explained
Vocabulary/EmptyArguments What happens when an argument to a verb has no atoms, or no cells (two different conditions!)
Vocabulary/ErrorMessages Error Messages (formal table plus explanations)
Vocabulary/Foreigns System Functions and Miscellaneous Features (m!:n)
Vocabulary/FramingFill Result collection and framing fill explained
Vocabulary/GerundsAndAtomicRepresentation Gerunds and Atomic Representation explained
Vocabulary/Glossary J terms (a comprehensive formal list)
Vocabulary/HowNuVoc   <--START HERE-- How to use NuVoc
Vocabulary/IFamily The i.-family of verbs described
Vocabulary/Idioms Common Idioms used in J best practice
Vocabulary/Inverses Inverse and Obverse explained
Vocabulary/JBreak JBreak: forcing J to stop executing the current process
Vocabulary/LAPACK J interface to the LAPACK library
Vocabulary/Lint How to use lint: the builtin Program Flow Analyzer
Vocabulary/Libraries The J Libraries and what they do
Vocabulary/Locales Locales explained
Vocabulary/Loopless Loopless programming explained: repeating a function on cells, partitions, subarrays, etc.
Vocabulary/Modifiers Modifiers (adverbs and conjunctions) explained
Vocabulary/ModifierTrains Rules and examples for using modifier trains such as ([.*].)
Vocabulary/NounExplicitDefinition How to define a noun as an explicit entity using (:)
Vocabulary/Nouns All about Nouns
Vocabulary/NumericPrecisions Numeric Precisions in J
Vocabulary/ObjectOrientedProgramming Object-Oriented Programming in J
Vocabulary/Parsing How sentences are executed, step by step
Vocabulary/PartsOfSpeech The Parts of Speech: Noun, Verb, etc. Call by name and call by value.
Guides/Performance Monitor Profile execution to find slow spots
Vocabulary/ObsoleteSyntax No-longer-supported features of earlier version of J, seen in some of the older references.
Vocabulary/Printf How to use the printf addon
Vocabulary/RankFromV The rank of a verb created by an adverb or conjunction
Vocabulary/RankInfo Rank Information linked from CategoryVoc pages
Vocabulary/RankInfoIsImportant Why is the rank of a verb important to know?
Vocabulary/ReadingASentence A beginner's guide to reading sentences
Guides/Regular Expressions/Overview Regex in J
Vocabulary/ScreenOutputInput Screen output and input explained
Vocabulary/SpecialCombinations Special Combinations of primitives (with tables)
Vocabulary/TBlock Clarification of the T-block and the B-block in an if.-statement
Vocabulary/TestYourJ Test Your J (tells you if you've any need of NuVoc)
Vocabulary/Unreadability The alleged unreadability of J - and what to do about it
Vocabulary/UnicodeCodePoint The Unicode Code Point (UCP) explained
Vocabulary/Valence Verb valence explained
Vocabulary/Verbs All about Verbs
Vocabulary/VerbRank Verb rank, and how J extends small verbs to big arrays
JDic:vocabul VOC - the original "pro version" of this portal page
Vocabulary/Words All about J Words
Vocabulary/ZeeLocale "Factory words" - the z-locale and its contents