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KEY: Primitive Valence(s) COLOR CODE: Parts of Speech = rank Monadic-name • Dyadic-name left-rank right-rank Verb Adverb Conjunction _: monadic-rank Dual-Valence-name left-rank right-rank Noun Other Control
Ancillary Pages
These are special articles written to comply with NuVoc standards, and tagged: Category:NuVoc.
They explain principles and practice in greater depth than appropriate on the primitives' pages themselves (all tagged: CategoryVoc), or which are relevant to more than one page.
They are task-oriented rather than function-oriented
- i.e. they describe features from the point-of-view of what the reader wants to achieve, rather than document J's functionality (as the primitive-pages do)
These pages are linked from the primitive-pages themselves, at the point where they are relevant.
But for convenient lookup and revision, they are listed below:
J Reference Sheets One Sheet J Reference pages for J602 and J90X Vocabulary/AboutNuVoc About the Accessible Dictionary: how and why Vocabulary/AccurateAccumulation +/!.0 y and x +/@:*"1!.0 y to avoid roundoff error Vocabulary/AET "Absolutely essential J terms" to know for NuVoc Vocabulary/Agreement How argument cells are matched for dyads (with tables) Vocabulary/AmendingBoxedStructures Making replacements inside a boxed array Vocabulary/ArrayProcessing How do you process an array? (an introduction) Vocabulary/Assignment Private and public assignment explained Vocabulary/Beginner's Q&A What a beginner needs to know, in brief Vocabulary/Constants Number formation (an intro by examples) Vocabulary/ControlStructures Control words used in J definitions Vocabulary/CyclicGerund Cyclic gerunds explained Vocabulary/Debug How to debug an explicit definition Vocabulary/DirectDefinition Use {{ }} to write explicit definitions Vocabulary/Dissect Pictorial view and analysis of a J sentence Vocabulary/EZRank Rank in a hurry: "rank" concept rapidly explained Vocabulary/EmptyArguments What happens when an argument to a verb has no atoms, or no cells (two different conditions!) Vocabulary/ErrorMessages Error Messages (formal table plus explanations) Vocabulary/Foreigns System Functions and Miscellaneous Features (m!:n) Vocabulary/FramingFill Result collection and framing fill explained Vocabulary/GerundsAndAtomicRepresentation Gerunds and Atomic Representation explained Vocabulary/Glossary J terms (a comprehensive formal list) Vocabulary/HowNuVoc <--START HERE-- How to use NuVoc Vocabulary/IFamily The i.-family of verbs described Vocabulary/Idioms Common Idioms used in J best practice Vocabulary/Inverses Inverse and Obverse explained Vocabulary/JBreak JBreak: forcing J to stop executing the current process Vocabulary/LAPACK J interface to the LAPACK library Vocabulary/Lint How to use lint: the builtin Program Flow Analyzer Vocabulary/Libraries The J Libraries and what they do Vocabulary/Locales Locales explained Vocabulary/Loopless Loopless programming explained: repeating a function on cells, partitions, subarrays, etc. Vocabulary/Modifiers Modifiers (adverbs and conjunctions) explained Vocabulary/ModifierTrains Rules and examples for using modifier trains such as ([.*].) Vocabulary/NounExplicitDefinition How to define a noun as an explicit entity using (:) Vocabulary/Nouns All about Nouns Vocabulary/NumericPrecisions Numeric Precisions in J Vocabulary/ObjectOrientedProgramming Object-Oriented Programming in J Vocabulary/Parsing How sentences are executed, step by step Vocabulary/PartsOfSpeech The Parts of Speech: Noun, Verb, etc. Call by name and call by value. Guides/Performance Monitor Profile execution to find slow spots Vocabulary/ObsoleteSyntax No-longer-supported features of earlier version of J, seen in some of the older references. Vocabulary/Printf How to use the printf addon Vocabulary/RankFromV The rank of a verb created by an adverb or conjunction Vocabulary/RankInfo Rank Information linked from CategoryVoc pages Vocabulary/RankInfoIsImportant Why is the rank of a verb important to know? Vocabulary/ReadingASentence A beginner's guide to reading sentences Guides/Regular Expressions/Overview Regex in J Vocabulary/ScreenOutputInput Screen output and input explained Vocabulary/SpecialCombinations Special Combinations of primitives (with tables) Vocabulary/TBlock Clarification of the T-block and the B-block in an if.-statement Vocabulary/TestYourJ Test Your J (tells you if you've any need of NuVoc) Vocabulary/Unreadability The alleged unreadability of J - and what to do about it Vocabulary/UnicodeCodePoint The Unicode Code Point (UCP) explained Vocabulary/Valence Verb valence explained Vocabulary/Verbs All about Verbs Vocabulary/VerbRank Verb rank, and how J extends small verbs to big arrays JDic:vocabul VOC - the original "pro version" of this portal page Vocabulary/Words All about J Words Vocabulary/ZeeLocale "Factory words" - the z-locale and its contents