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for. noun do. body end. Repeat for each item Control
for_ijk. noun do. body end. Repeat for each item, named Control

Valid only inside an explicit definition.

Execute the ensuing block, or body, which starts after the next do., once for each item of the noun, which results from initial evaluation of a T-block.

   for. i. nloops do.  NB. loop nloops times
<loop body>

   for_i. 'for';'each';'word' do.  NB. loop 3 times, with i successively assuming the value of the words
<loop body>

Use (for_ijk.) instead of (for.) to give a name referencing the successive items. At each iteration…

  • (ijk) takes the value of the current item, and
  • (ijk_index) takes the values: (0, 1, 2, …) in turn.

(ijk) (here) is a representative pronoun whose value you can inspect (read-only) at each iteration. Substitute your own choice of name, e.g. (i), which will also generate (i_index).

If you use for. with no name, the loop will be executed once for each item of the T-block, and the actual values in the T-block noun are immaterial.

Common uses

1. Execute a given block 3 times

3 : 0''
for. i.3 do.
  smoutput 'alpha'

When you use (for.) the statements within the block can't see the actual items of the T-block.

2. Execute a given block once for each item of a given noun, viz. (0.5 + i.3), inspecting its value in turn, also its index in the list:

3 : 0''
for_ijk. 0.5 + i.3 do.
  smoutput 'bravo' ; ijk ; ijk_index


  1. The result of the T-block, which gives the values to be repeated over, may be a noun of any rank. The loop is executed once for each item of the T-block.
  2. At the end of a for_ijk. loop, the names ijk and ijk_index remain locally defined.
  • If the loop was exited by break. or goto., the names simply retain their latest values.
  • If the loop was exited by executing all the iterations, ijk is set to an empty list and ijk_index is set to the number of iterations that were executed.

Related Primitives

You may use these control words inside a for-loop: