J Primitives
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J Primitives
The heading link will take you to the top of the NuVoc page.
The Primitives are the verbs, adverbs, nouns and conjunctions that make up the J language.
There are also direct links to the Primitives of the J language listed below the category table.
Pages in category "J Primitives"
The following 152 pages are in this category, out of 152 total.
- Vocabulary/acapdot
- Vocabulary/adot
- Vocabulary/ampco
- Vocabulary/ampdot
- Vocabulary/ampdotco
- Vocabulary/ampm
- Vocabulary/amprank
- Vocabulary/ampv
- Vocabulary/assertdot
- Vocabulary/at
- Vocabulary/atco
- Vocabulary/atdot
- Vocabulary/bang
- Vocabulary/bangco
- Vocabulary/bangdot
- Vocabulary/bar
- Vocabulary/barco
- Vocabulary/bardot
- Vocabulary/bdot
- Vocabulary/bdotu
- Vocabulary/breakdot
- Vocabulary/bslash
- Vocabulary/bslashco
- Vocabulary/bslashdot
- Vocabulary/ccapdot
- Vocabulary/cdot
- Vocabulary/coa
- Vocabulary/coco
- Vocabulary/codot
- Vocabulary/com
- Vocabulary/comma
- Vocabulary/commaco
- Vocabulary/commadot
- Vocabulary/continuedot
- Vocabulary/cor
- Vocabulary/cou
- Vocabulary/curlylf
- Vocabulary/curlylfco
- Vocabulary/curlylfcoco
- Vocabulary/curlylfdot
- Vocabulary/curlyrt
- Vocabulary/curlyrtco
- Vocabulary/curlyrtu
- Vocabulary/dcapco
- Vocabulary/dcapdot
- Vocabulary/ddot
- Vocabulary/dollar
- Vocabulary/dollarco
- Vocabulary/dollardot
- Vocabulary/dot
- Vocabulary/dotdot
- Vocabulary/ecapdot
- Vocabulary/edot
- Vocabulary/elsedot
- Vocabulary/eq
- Vocabulary/eqco
- Vocabulary/eqco2
- Vocabulary/eqco4
- Vocabulary/eqdot
- Vocabulary/eqdot4
- Vocabulary/fcap
- Vocabulary/fdot
- Vocabulary/fordot
- Vocabulary/fork
- Vocabulary/gotodot
- Vocabulary/grave
- Vocabulary/graveco
- Vocabulary/gt
- Vocabulary/gtco
- Vocabulary/gtdot
- Vocabulary/hat
- Vocabulary/hatco
- Vocabulary/hatdot
- Vocabulary/hcapdot
- Vocabulary/hook
- Vocabulary/icapdot
- Vocabulary/ico
- Vocabulary/idot
- Vocabulary/ifdot
- Vocabulary/jdot
- Vocabulary/lcapco
- Vocabulary/lcapdot
- Vocabulary/lt
- Vocabulary/ltco
- Vocabulary/ltdot
- Vocabulary/mcapdot
- Vocabulary/mdot
- Vocabulary/minus
- Vocabulary/minusco
- Vocabulary/minusdot
- Vocabulary/ncapbcapdot
- Vocabulary/number
- Vocabulary/numberco
- Vocabulary/numberdot
- Vocabulary/odot
- Vocabulary/pco
- Vocabulary/pdot
- Vocabulary/pdotdot
- Vocabulary/percent
- Vocabulary/percentco
- Vocabulary/percentdot
- Vocabulary/plus
- Vocabulary/plusco
- Vocabulary/plusdot
- Vocabulary/qco
- Vocabulary/query
- Vocabulary/querydot
- Vocabulary/quote
- Vocabulary/quoteco
- Vocabulary/quotedot
- Vocabulary/quotem
- Vocabulary/quotev
- Vocabulary/rdot
- Vocabulary/returndot
- Vocabulary/scapco
- Vocabulary/sco
- Vocabulary/selectdot
- Vocabulary/semi
- Vocabulary/semico
- Vocabulary/semidot
- Vocabulary/semidot0
- Vocabulary/semidot1
- Vocabulary/semidot3
- Vocabulary/slash
- Vocabulary/slashco
- Vocabulary/slashdot
- Vocabulary/squarelf
- Vocabulary/squarelfco
- Vocabulary/squarelfdot
- Vocabulary/squarert
- Vocabulary/squarertco
- Vocabulary/squarertdot
- Vocabulary/star
- Vocabulary/starco
- Vocabulary/stardot
- Vocabulary/tcapdot
- Vocabulary/tco
- Vocabulary/tdot
- Vocabulary/throwdot
- Vocabulary/tilde
- Vocabulary/tildeco
- Vocabulary/tildedot
- Vocabulary/tildem
- Vocabulary/trydot
- Vocabulary/uco
- Vocabulary/under
- Vocabulary/underco
- Vocabulary/underdot
- Vocabulary/whiledot
- Vocabulary/xco
- Vocabulary/zcapco
- Vocabulary/zeroco