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if. condition do. block end. Execute if Control

Valid only inside an explicit definition.

Conditionally execute one of a choice of blocks.

T=. 0<#y
if. T do. B1 else. B0 end.

Warning.png WARNING:

if. T do.
only tests the first atom of the evaluated T-block T.

   if. 'chalk' = 'cheez' do. sneeze'' end.

will test true because the first atom of the evaluated T-block is 1 even if some subsequent atoms are 0

   'chalk' = 'cheez'
1 1 0 0 0

Common Uses

1. Execute the ensuing block provided the array evaluated by the T-block is empty or its first atom is nonzero.

if_trial=: 3 : 0
if. y do.
  smoutput 'y is true'
   if_trial 0
   if_trial 1
y is true
   if_trial 1 1 1 1 1
y is true
   if_trial 0 1 1 1 1  NB. see above: WARNING
   if_trial 1 0 0 0 0  NB. see above: WARNING
y is true
   if_trial ''  NB. empty is true
y is true
   if_trial 5  NB. Any nonzero is true
y is true

   emptyif_trial=: 3 : 0  NB. Empty T-block tests true
if. do.
  smoutput 'empty T is true'
   emptyif_trial 0
empty T is true

2. Execute the first block provided y is true, else execute the second block

else_trial=: 3 : 0
if. y do.
  smoutput 'y is true'
  smoutput 'y is false'
   else_trial 0
y is false
   else_trial 1
y is true

3. Execute a succession of blocks according to the value of y

elseif_trial=: 3 : 0
if. y=2 do.
  smoutput 'y = 2'
elseif. y=1 do.
  smoutput 'y = 1'
else.          NB. prior to J 9.01 use: elseif. do.
  smoutput 'y is neither'
   elseif_trial 2
y = 2
   elseif_trial 1
y = 1
   elseif_trial 0
y is neither

Related Primitives

Use these control words inside the loop…

Consider using instead: Execute case (select.)