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I. y Indices

Rank 1 -- operates on lists of y, producing a list of variable length for each one -- WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT?

The indexes of every 1 in the Boolean list y

   I. 0 0 1 0 1 0
2 4
   I. 3 1 4 > 1 5 9  NB. It's true only in position 0

Common uses

1. Convert a Boolean mask to the list of indexes where the mask is 1

   ] y=: i:3
_3 _2 _1 0 1 2 3
   ] cond=: y<0
1 1 1 0 0 0 0

   cond # i.#y
0 1 2

2. For example, comparisons produce Boolean lists, but { and } needs lists of indexes.

To replace all atoms in y satisfying the Boolean condition (y<0) with 0

   y=: i:3

   0 (I. y<0) } y  NB. y<0 creates a mask, which I. converts to indexes
1 2 3

More Information

1.  I. y is the same as (y # i. # y)

2. If an atom of y is greater than 1, the corresponding index is repeated.

3. I.^:_1 (the obverse of I.) gives the frequencies of the atoms of y, which must be nonnegative. The atom with index i gives the number of occurrences of i in y.

follows from 1.

x I. y Interval Index

Rank Infinity -- operates on x and y as a whole, by items of x -- WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT?

x must be in sorted order, and thus defines (1+#x) intervals, where each interval but the last ends on an item of x (inclusive) and the last interval ends at infinity.

If x is not sorted, a domain error might be signaled, or a nonsense result of the correct shape might be returned.

x I. y gives the index of the interval in which y lies.

This is also called the insert-before point of y: the smallest index of x before which y could be inserted while keeping the array in order.

If x is in ascending order, x I. y is the number of atoms of x that are less than y. If x is in descending order, x I. y is the number of atoms of x that are greater than y.

   x=: 0 1 2 4 8 16 32   NB. x represents the 8 intervals:
                         NB. [__,0], (0,1], (1,2], (2,4],
                         NB. (4,8], (8,16], (16,32], (32,_]

   x I. _100   NB. _100 is in [__,0] -- which has index 0 in x
   x I. 0.9    NB. 0.9 is in (0,1] -- which has index 1 in x
   x I. 3.9    NB. 3.9 is in (2,4] -- which has index 3 in x
   x I. 16     NB. 16 is in (8,16] -- which has index 5 in x (exact match)
   x I. 17     NB. 17 is in (16,32] -- which has index 6 in x
   x I. 32     NB. 32 is in (16,32] -- which has index 6 in x
   x I. 33     NB. 33 is in (33,_] -- which has index 7 in x
   x I. 15 16 17   NB. 3 search terms at once
5 5 6

Common uses

1. Find which section of a piecewise-linear function applies to a given y

   xpieces =: 0 1 2
   NB. point,slope for the interval ENDING at each x value.  There is one more
   NB. point,slope than x positions, because the last interval ends at _
   ]pointslope =: _2 ]\ 0 0  0 1  1 2  3 3
0 0
0 1
1 2
3 3
   xpieces I. 0.5 5   NB. Which interval applies to these values?
1 3

More Information

1. x I. y performs binary search in x. It is vital that the items of x be in sorted order, or the search will give erroneous results.

2. x must be in sorted order, but it can be either ascending or descending order! If all the items of x are identical, they are assumed to be in "ascending" order.

3. x I. y is not a member of the i.-family, but it does use the concept of internal rank. The rank used is the rank of items of x.

4. The comparisons during execution of x I. y are exact (i.e. intolerant).

5. For arguments other than numeric lists, the rules for sorting define the proper insertion point of y.

6. It's possible to match against open (a,b) interval by shifting an edge in x down, or a value in y up:

   2 4 I. 1 2 3 4 5             NB. standard use case: to match against 3 intervals: [-∞,2],(2,4],(4,+∞]
0 0 1 1 2
   up=. 1 + 2 ^ IF64 { _23 _52  NB. to shift y up
   dn=. 1 - 2 ^ IF64 { _24 _53  NB. to shift x down
   ((2*dn) , 4) I. 1 2 3 4 5    NB. to match against 3 intervals: [-∞,2),[2,4],(4,+∞]
0 1 1 1 2
   2 4 I. 1 , (2*up) , 3 4 5    NB. the same as above
0 1 1 1 2
   (2 , 4*dn) I. 1 2 3 4 5      NB. to match against 3 intervals: [-∞,2],(2,4),[4,+∞]
0 0 1 2 2
   2 4 I. 1 2 3 , (4*up) , 5    NB. the same as above
0 0 1 2 2

7. It's possible to match against right-open interval [a,b) by reversing x:

   2 4 I. 1 2 3 4 5                 NB. standard use case: to match against 3 intervals: [-∞,2],(2,4],(4,+∞]
0 0 1 1 2
   2 4 (#@[ - (I.~ |.)~) 1 2 3 4 5  NB. to match against 3 intervals: [-∞,2),[2,4),[4,+∞]
0 1 1 2 2

See Idotr utility verb in univariate.ijs of stats/base addon.