Using the J Wiki

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J Wiki Organization

This wiki is organized functionally which means that the areas are separated into sections according to how different users would like to use them. The Newcomers section provides a view into different parts of the wiki in a way that would be most useful to those who are new to J. Developers should find more advanced information that would be most useful for creating applications in J. The Reference section provides every bit of J knowledge in the wiki. Be warned that this includes some information that is no longer supported, but still may be of use for research or historic purposes. The Community section has links to informaton resident outside of this wiki which ranges from Journals and Blogs to User Groups and Live channels.

J Wiki Navigation

Category Trees

This wiki is organized by Category Trees. The main tree is based on the Home category, which accessed through the Page Map, but any category can become a category tree if it has subcategories that link to it. Think of the category tree as a way to view the J wiki. Depending on the pages that share the category name, different contexts for the wiki information can be created. Newcomer and Developer subtrees are examples of this. In the future more may be added depending on what views J wiki users feel are important.

The Side bar

The side bar on the wiki page is probably the most useful navigation tool outside of the Navigation Bars. The side bar exists on every page of the wiki and is always accessible.

J Code Search bar

The J Code Search bar located in the upper right above the wiki content provides one click access to the Page Map, the NuVoc Dictionary, and the J Code Search for which it is named.

Page Map The Page Map is an approximate site map that provides rapid access to different parts of the wiki. Most useful for jumping from section to section without having to ascend and descend.
NuVoc NuVoc is a user maintained dictionary for the J language. It supercedes the previous J Dictionary and Vocabulary and is considered the most up to date reference to the language.
J Code Search The J Code Search is a custom search built by Chris Burke that allows the J primitives to be searched. The traditonal wiki search regards many of these primitives as punctuation. It also allows regular expressions to be used to refine the search results.

Keeping Track of Useful Pages

The easiest way to track pages that are most useful is to bookmark them in your browser for quick access. We are hoping that these bookmarks may be curated and added to the User's page, as sharing this information could be very useful for discovering best practices of J Wiki navigation. Every person who is able to log in to the J Wiki has a User page that is initially blank, but can be populated by either personal projects, bookmarks or information.

Pages in category "Using the J Wiki"

The following 3 pages are in this category, out of 3 total.