Wiki/Report of Meeting 2022-03-17

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Report on the J wiki meeting of March 17, 2022

Present: Art Anger, Thomas Bulka, Raul Miller, Bob Therriault

  1. We started by looking at the J playground where a lot of progress has been made. Unfortunately, none of the people working on the J playground were available for the meeting, so we were not able to discuss too much in depth. Even though the two projects are closely linked, the question was raised whether the J playground was worthy of its own development stream. That discussion will occur at a future meeting.
  2. After some technical glitches we ran the video promoting the J playground. Although, it was well received as a loose approach, it was felt that it would be better served to be tightened up a bit. The video went into details on the IDE, the lab section and the multiline editing facilities that can be used to transmit J code through browser links. The revised version will focus on labs and the transmission through browser links, as the first topic would be the best for newcomers and the second topic would be useful to all J programmers and is visible here .
  3. We looked at the help system that Raul has transferred over from the jsoftware site to a test of the new media wiki version (evident from the yellow J in the upper left corner - the working wiki has a blue J). This transfer included the original vocabulary, phrases, user help documents and other information that required the user to be transported back to jsoftware from the wiki to gain access. The transfer went smoothly, but there are a few areas that need to be cleaned up and may benefit from some crowdsourcing. Raul has really stepped up to get this underway and we really appreciate the work that he has done. It is another significant step in the development of the wiki.
  4. Art Anger showed some of the work that he has done in developing a rosetta stone across the different math notations as an aid to learning J. This type of resource will be really important in making J accessible to a wider audience.

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