Wiki/Report of Meeting 2022-05-19

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Report on the J wiki meeting of May 19, 2022

Present: Art Anger, Devon McCormick, Bob Therriault

  1. First discussion was about how the new prototype could be used as an alternative to the current wiki ), by using links that would allow easy access from one wiki to the other. The idea is that users would test the new wiki while having an easy exit to the old wiki if the new wiki was not solving their problem. Devon wondered about whether there would be a way to generate messages automatically when the crossover link was hit at least providing information of what page they were on when they left. Devon pointed out that it would be good for people to be able to make the changes to the wiki if they see the problems. Bob added that having a button that would generate a report that they could fill out would be useful even if they did not know how to fix the problem. We could use this to provide guidance about when we should switch across.
  2. Old pages would not be lost but may exist outside the structure of the new wiki. This would allow old pages to remain accessible through search, but navigation to them might be difficult. Eventually, old pages may be deleted, which would make them only accessible to admins.
  3. Devon's insight into global zoom meetings was that India time zone meetings work best for early morning North America, although when Japan, China and Australia are taken into account an evening North America might be better.
  4. A discussion of using personal bookmarks as a way to create personal indexes. A button on the sidebar would paste the address of the current page to a Links page attached to the User page. The Users would be responsible for any curation, but it would still allow quick access to pages that the user found useful. Devon suggested that this might be useful if preference matching could be used, so that existing bookmarks may provide suggestions for more useful pages.
  5. Rosetta stone discussion. Devon pointed out that this was a discussion topic for the first NYCJUG meetup, so it is an ongoing issue. Bob mentioned Ian Clarke's APL2J page as a way to allow linking of different vocabularies across the different languages. Devon already has a Python version of this that might fit into that page. The Rosetta page itself would consist of links to different languages that might be familiar to the user. It was mentioned that Conor Hoekstra had found a table by Dan Hirschi that provided a cross reference across the array language, but that table has not been located.

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