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These instructions install a full system (base plus all addons) using a Debian package for Linux.

The Name of the J console binary

By default, the J console binary is named jconsole. Unfortunately this is also the name of the Java console program. Usually this is not a problem, but if there is a conflict, then either install J outside the path, or rename the binary to ijconsole and make corresponding changes to scripts that call it. The Debian installer described below does install the binary as ijconsole.

Install the J Base System

Download the appropriate file:

and install with sudo dpkg -i {filename}, for example:

  sudo dpkg -i j805_amd64.deb

This uses the following directories:

  /usr/bin                      ijconsole binary
  /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/    j engine (
  /usr/share/j/8.05             system files
  /etc/j/8.05                   profile scripts

J will not work if deb is installed in other directories.

(optional) Install addons, including Qt IDE

To install any addons, first make sure you are connected to the Internet, then start jconsole as described above. Note that if you are installing to a shared folder, then you need to start jconsole as root. eg.

   sudo ijconsole

Then enter one of:

   install 'all'           NB. install all addons
   install 'qtide'         NB. install only the Qt IDE
   install 'slim'          NB. install only the Qt IDE (slim version)

It will echo messages

Updating server catalog...
Installing 1 package
Downloading base library...
Installing base library...
Installing JQt binaries...
cd /usr/bin && tar --no-same-owner --no-same-permissions -xzf ...
Finished install of JQt binaries.
Exit and restart J using jqt

If you later want to customize the addons, do one of the following:

  • in Jqt, select Tools|Package Manager from the menu, select the addons to be installed (or Select All to get them all), and press Install.
  • in the J console, use the Package Manager console interface.

(optional) Change Default Directory Names

J needs directories to store temporary files, configuration files and so on. By default these are in a folder under the User's home directory. To change the folders J uses, follow the instructions here.

(optional) Qt IDE Setup

See Qt IDE/Install for more information on setting up the Qt IDE.