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Many examples of modifier tridents form modifier forks. These forks are documented on the modifier trains page. (And, many other examples of modifier tridents are invalid, for example (a:a:a:) throws an error.)

However, some modifier trains evaluate two items of the trident and (if the evaluation succeeds without error) can then form a hook with the result of that evaluation and the remaining parsed item. For example, (-1&) would become the adverb _1&

When a verb is evaluated, its result is always a noun (unless an error occurs).

Usually, when evaluated, adverbs and conjunctions create verb results. For example, +/ is a verb and +&1 is a verb. But not always. For example, (2 :'u%v') produces a conjunction.

N0 A1 or V0 A1 is evaluated and, depending on A1 the parse action then becomes
NA (evaluates) as (N01 A2) or
VA (evaluates) as (V01 A2) or
AA adverb which behaves like: {{(u A01) A2}} or
CA conjunction ...like: {{(u C01 v) A2}} or
N1 A2 or V1 A2 is evaluated and, depending on A2 the parse action then becomes
AN (invalid by itself) or
AV adverb ...like: {{(u A0) V12}} or
AA adverb ...like: {{(u A0) A12}} or
AC adverb ...like: {{(u A0) C12 u}} or
N1 A2 is evaluated and the parse action then becomes
NN (invalid) or
NV (invalid) or
NA (evaluates) as (N0 A12) or
NC adverb ...like: {{N0 C12 u}}
N1 A2 or V1 A2 is evaluated and the parse action then becomes
VN (evaluates) as (V0 N12) or
VV verb hook which behaves like: ({{y V01 V2 y}} : {{x V01 V2 y}}) or
VA (evaluates) as (V0 A12) or
VC adverb ...like: {{V0 C12 u}}
V0 N1 is evaluated and the parse action then becomes NC adverb ...like: {{N01 C2 u}}
N0 A1 or V0 A1 is evaluated and the parse action then becomes
NC adverb ...like: {{N01 C2 u}} or
VC adverb ...like: {{V01 C2 u}} or
AC adverb ...like: {{(u A01) C2 u}}
CC conjunction ...like: {{(u C01 v) (u C2 v)}}
N0 A1 or V0 A1 is evaluated and the parse action then becomes
NN (invalid) or
VN (evaluates) as (V01 N2) or
AN (invalid) or
CN adverb ...like: {{u C01 N2}}
N0 A1 or V0 A1 is evaluated and the parse action then becomes
NN (invalid) or
VV verb hook ...like: {{y V01 V2 y}} : {{x V01 V2 y}} or
AV adverb ...like: {{(u A01) V2}} or
CV adverb ...like: {{u C01 V2}}

Also, some important combinations of three adjacent items are evaluated in higher priority parsing actions, and are documented elsewhere:

Dyadic verb
Verb fork