User:Will Gajate/FoldVariants

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Applications of fold primitives in J

The introduction of fold primitives in J 9.01, later modified in 9.02, increased the expressive power of the language making it easier to write loopless (efficient) code in J. The primer page on Fold primitives puts the new Fold primitives to work and demonstrates how they can be deployed to create elegant solutions to interesting problems.

This article offers more examples on how to apply the fold primitives to create idiomatic and efficient J code.

Background: Fold, the first primitive of functional code

Map and Reduce, often taking center stage in functional programs, specialize Fold. Therefore, we can construct our own versions of Map and Reduce, to better fit the problem at hand.

What do the Fold primitives offer over existing primitives?

The table below demonstrates how J's new fold primitives enable new forms for writing concise, loopless code.

Replicating k's fold primitives

At the August 2020 meeting of NYCJUG, Devon McCormick compared the recent changes in the fold primitives in K9 to J and suggested adding J equivalents. The examples below use k9 (build Aug 2 2020) and J.902.

   what (k9)           k9 form       k9 example     what (J)             J form          J example          result                 
   each-left            a f\b         (!3)*\!2     table                 x u/ y         (i.3)*/i.2          (0 0;0 1;0 2)       
   each-right           a f/b         (!3)*/!2     table                 x u/ y         (i.3)(*/~)i.2       (0 0 0;0 1 2)         
   fold                   f/v            */6 7     insert                  u/ y         */6 7               42                    
   fold w/initial       a f/:v        7*/:11 13    fold single           x u F.. v y    7[F..*11 13         1001                   
   scan                   f\v          -\1 1 1     fold multiple         x u F:. v y    1,[F:.(-~)1 1 1     1 0 -1                
   scan w/initial       a f\:v        3-\:1 1 1    fold multiple         x u F:. v y    3[F:.(-~)1 1 1      2 1 0                 
   fixpoint               f/:x       (1+1%)/:1     fold single           x u F.. v y    [F..(1+1%])15#1     1.618034              
   fixpoint scan          f\:x       3 4 2 1\:0    fold multiple cont.   x u F:  v y                        0 3 1 4       ***             
   do-n               (n;f)/:x     (2;"ha",)/:"!"  fold single rev.      x u F.: v y    '!'[F.:,;2#<'ha'    "haha!"               
   do-n scan          (n;f)\:x      (3;:x*x)\:2    fold multiple         x u F:. v y     2,2[F:.(]*:)3#1     2 4 16 256            
   while              (c;f)/:x     (1e3>;2*)/:1    fold single cont.     x u F.  v y     (1e3,2)[F. w 1      1024         **         
   while scan         (c;f)\:x     (5`mod';2+)\:4  fold multiple cont.   x u F:  v y     4,(5,2)[F: s 4      4 6 8 10     **       
   e.g. flatten           ,//:     ,//:(1;(2;3 4)) fold single cont.     x u F.  v y     0 [F. f 1;<2;<3 4   1 2 3 4      ***             

   sv                     b/v        16/2 10       base                    x #. y        16#.2 10           42                    
   vs                     b\x         2\42         antibase                  #: y          #:42             1 0 1 0 1 0           

** verbs w, s defined:

w=: dyad define
z [1 Z: *0{x<z=.(1{x)*y

s=: dyad define
z [1 Z: -.*(0{x)|z=.(1{x)+y

*** still working on fixpoint scan and flatten

Resources on Fold

Often the term Fold can mean different things across programming languages

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