TABULA/samples/Cost of alcohol

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This is SAMPLE5. To work with this sample, enter $5

Cost of alcohol
        ┌ {1}           1 l         Volume of vessel
┌       │ {2}           7 USD       cost of vesselful
│       ├ {3}           5 %         %alc by volume
│ ┌ ┌ ┌ └>{4}       0.050 l         vol of alc in vessel
│ │ │ └>  {5}           5 cl        ={4}
├ │ └>    {6}           5 alu       ={4} standard "units"
│ ├       {7}           1 dens.alc  density of alc=
│ └>  ┌   {8}       0.039 kg        alc by wt in vessel
│     ├ ┌ {9}           1 ener.alc  energy dens of alc=
│     │ └>{10}   7170.172 kcal/kg   ={9}
│     └>  {11}    282.863 kcal      alc calories in vessel
└>        {12}      1.400 USD/alu   cost per unit of alc



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