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This is a collection of Strings and Text manipulation resources. J scripts and utilities have a vast amount of text processing routines. They are sometimes scattered around different scripts among other code, so this page consolidates links to those places.


J Forums



convert/misc ascii85 base64 md5 vig
general/misc/format addon center colhdr flatten fold hexdump nfmt xfmt ruler
general/misc/validate addon isutf8

Base Library

J's Standard Library provides

charsub compare CR CRLF cut cutopen cutpara cuts deb debc DEL delstring detab dfh dlb dltb dltbs dropafter dropto dtb dtbs expand fcompare fcompares FF foldpara foldtext fstringreplace hfd LF list ljust quote rjust rplc ss stringreplace TAB takeafter taketo toCRLF toHOST toJ tolist tolower topara toupper ucp ucpcount utf8