Fifty Shades of J/Topics Index

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Topic Index


accept-reject technique, 35
alternative verbs, 12
alternating group, 30
altitude, 46
annualized percentage rate (APR), 49
annuities, 10, 50
anti-cyclic groups, 26
apb notation, 46
autostereograms, 3
average compound growth (ACG), 50
average growth rate (AGR), 50
azimuth, 48


balanced rounding, 24
benefit cost ratio, 50
betting methods, 14
betting systems, 14
between groups sums of squares, 29
binding, 6
Binet formula, 42
binomial coefficients, 42
binomial therem, 37
bits to integer conversion, 4
bookmaker’s odds, 14
Boolean verbs, 16
boundary values, 28
Box-Muller formula, 28
bridge hook, 2, 36, 42


Cancellation, 44
Cartesian coordinates, 13
Cap, 6
Catalan numbers, 44
celestial harmonies, 47
celestial meridian, 48
celestial sphere, 48
cell, 20
cents (in music), 47
Chinese remainder problem, 41
chromatic scale, 47
circle of fifths, 47
ciphers, 39
cleaning small numbers, 11
clock arithmetic, 32, 41, 47
clock multiplication, 39
cofactors, 27, 48
collating sequence, 7
combinations, 33, 34, 44
commutativity, 6
complex conjugates, 13
complex logarithms, 13
complex powers, 13
compound interest, 10, 12
cones, 43
congruences, 41
conjugations, 5
conjunctions, 2
connectivity, 38
continued fractions, 42
contradiction, 16
convergence, 9
conversion rules, 15
cost benefit ratio, 50
critical path, 38
cross product, 48
currying, 10, 12
cyclic groups, 26


d’Alembert’s system, 14
de Moivre’s theorem, 13
declination, 48
decryption, 40
derangements, 30
determinant, 13, 27, 48
diagonals of arrays, 8
diatonic scale, 47
dihedral groups, 26, 30
direction cosines, 48
distance tables, 37
distance, 2
dominant, 47


eigenanalysis, 9
encryption, 40
enlargements, 48
equal temperament, 47
error control, 12
Euler’s phi, 32
exponential ciphers, 39


factorial digits, 33
fantasy betting, 14
Farey series, 25
feasibility, 38
Fermat’s little theorem, 32
Fibonacci numbers, 37, 42, 43
fill characters, 1, 4
finite arithmetic, 32
fork, 2
frequencies (music), 47
frequency distributions, 28


GCD, 41
generating functions, 37
geometric mean, 2
gerund, 4, 11, 18, 24, 26, 32, 33, 37, 38
golden angle, 43
golden ratio, 43
greedy algorithm, 37
grouping, 28
groups, 13, 30


harmonic mean, 2
heterogeneous arrays, 1
hour angle, 46
hypercomplex numbers, 13


identity matrix, 9, 13, 17, 46, 48
identity element, 26
income streams, 49, 50
infinity, 9, 12
inheritance, 2, 5, 6
inner product, 1, 9, 13, 23, 38, 46
interactions, 29
internal rate of return (IRR), 49, 50
intervals (music), 47
inverse permutations, 8
inverse, 12, 26, 39
inverses in finite arithmetic, 41
isomorphism, 26

J, K

Johnson ordering, 33
just intonation, 47
keywords (in encryption), 40


Latin square, 29
left binding, 9
Lehmer’s algorithm, 33
lexical ordering, 33
list constructor, 18
logarithms, 13
loops, 38
lower triangular matrix, 46
Lucas numbers, 42


Manhattan diagram, 44
Martingales, 14
mappings, 8
matrix inverse, 20
matrix multiplication, 9, 13
mean tone temperament, 47
mean, 2, 7
median, 7
merged axes, 8
merging lists, 22
minors (of a matrix), 19
minors, 27, 47
moments, 2
mood, 6
multiple choice tests, 11
multiplicative inverse, 39


nearest neighbour, 38
negative exponential, 14
net future value, 50
net present value, 10, 49, 50
networks, 38
normalisation, 2, 9, 14, 48
noun rank, 20
numerical data types, 15


occurrence numbers, 17
octave, 47
odds, 14
orthogonality, 29
overround, 14


parity, 30, 33
partitioning, 37
Pascal triangle, 34, 42
permutation list, 33
permutations, 30, 33
polar coordinates, 13
polynomial factors, 45
polynomial multiplication, 45
polynomial quotients, 45
population forecasts, 9
powers, 13
predicate, 16
primeness, 32
private keys, 39
public keys, 39
Pythagorean comma, 45
Pythagorean tuning, 45


quadratic congruences, 41
quadratic residues, 41
quaternions, 13


race cards, 14
ragged arrays, 1
random angles, 35
random exponential, 28
random networks, 38
random Normal, 28
random numbers, 35
random races, 14
random sentences, 36
random words, 36
rank inheritance, 2, 6
rank, 2
ranking, 7, 17
rational approximations, 15, 25
reachability, 38
rectangularity, 4
recursion, 23, 27, 33, 37
reflections, 7, 13
residual sums of squares, 29
right ascension, 48
ripple shuffle, 31, 32
roots of equations, 45
rotations, 7, 13, 48
rounding, 24
row and column headings, 22
row and column proportions, 22
RSA ciphers, 39


Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis, 21
savings schemes, 10
scalarisation, 4
scans, 12
schoolmasters rank, 7
shortest path, 38
sigma, 32
similitude, 46
simulation, 14, 35, 36
simultaneous linear congruences, 41
slack, 38
sorting, 7
spherical trigonometry, 46
SQL, 8
square roots in finite arithmetic, 41
statement separator, 6, 18
Stern-Brocot trees, 25
subgroups, 26
subtotallng, 27
syllogism, 16
symmetric networks, 38
symmetry test, 8


tables, 12, 20, 44
tau, 32
tautology, 16
tied ranks, 7
ties, 7
time, 34
Tompkins-Page ordering, 33
totient, 32
trace, 34
trains, 6
transformations, 2, 8
transit, 46
transition matrices, 9
transitivity, 6
transpose, 33
treatment sums of squares, 29

U, V, W, Z

upper triangular matrices, 25, 44
valence, 2
verb rank, 5, 20
Vigenère table, 40
weighted graphs, 38
weighted random numbers, 14
within groups sums of squares, 29
Wolf fifth, 47
zigzag matrix, 18