User:Tom McGuire/JJupyterNotebooks

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J language Jupyter Notebook files.

Under GitHub the markdown for the readme pages allows the placement of a Binder Launch Badge. I have been able to create a launch badge png file called Launch-binder-blue.png that has been uploaded to the J wiki.

To provide public access to your notebook set up a GitHub repository containing just the notebooks and a file (See for the repository structure and markdown for the

Then you can place a link to your repository or check out the mediawiki code for providing a launch button straight out of J wiki page.

Tom McGuire J Jupyter notebooks:

This repository has a page that provides Binder Launch badges to Martin Saurer's J Jupyter notebook examples and some incomplete notebooks from me (Tom McGuire)

McGuire's J-Jupyter notebook repository

Direct launch to Binder from J wiki

  • Tom McGuire's J-Jupyter notebooks:


  • Martin Saurer's J-Jupyter notebooks:


NOTE: Martin Saurer notebooks Martin Saurer is the originator of the J Kernel for use with Jupyter notebooks. He has transcribed a number of J labs into J-Jupyter notebooks.

These notebooks were meant to be used on a personal Jupyter server with data located in the j903-user directory. To use the note books you will need to change pathnames to any data to:

jpath ~/jkernel/<name of subdirectory used>
  • John Baker's J Jupyter notebooks (JOD labs):

John Baker author of the J Object Dictionary has some J-Jupyter notebooks on his GitHub site


You will need to navigate to the 'notebooks' directory to find the J-Jupyter notebooks