User:Ric Sherlock/Extend Dates Project/DatesAdd Script

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This is my attempt at extending the current dates.ijs script.

Example Use

Dates and Day Number

load '~Projects/utils/datesadd.ijs'
    ]now=: 6!:0 ''
2009 9 10 12 31 35.399
    toDayNumber now
    J0Date_rgsdates_ + toDayNumber now
    toJulian toDayNumber now
    toDayNumber 3# ,: now
76588.5219375 76588.5219375 76588.5219375
    1 toDayNumber 20090907.133031267
    1 toDayNumber 3# 20090907.133031267
76585.5628619 76585.5628619 76585.5628619
    toDateTime toDayNumber now
2009 9 10 12 31 35.399
    1 toDateTime toDayNumber now

Formating Dates

    fmtDate toDayNumber now
September 10, 2009
    'DDDD, D MMMM YYYY' fmtDate toDayNumber now
Thursday, 10 September 2009
    '\Day: D, \Month: M, Year: YY' fmtDate toDayNumber now
Day: 10, Month: 9, Year: 09
    'DDD, MMM DD, YYYY' fmtDate toDayNumber now
Thu, Sep 10, 2009
    'DD/MM/YYYY' fmtDate toDayNumber now
    'D/M/YY' fmtDate toDayNumber now

Formating Times

    fmtTime 0 60 60#. _3{. now
12:31:35 pm
    'hh:mm:ss' fmtTime 0 60 60#. _3{. now
    fmtTime 65101.201 16542.081 85421.246
│6:05:01 pm│4:35:42 am│11:43:41 pm│
    'Ti\me\s: hh\\mm\\ss' fmtTime 65101.201 16542.081 85421.246
│Times: 18\05\01│Times: 04\35\42│Times: 23\43\41│
    'hh:mm:ss:ccc' fmtTime 65101.201 16542.081 85421.246



[{{#file: "datesadd.ijs"}} Download script: datesadd.ijs ]

NB. =========================================================
NB. Script for extending the dates.ijs system script.
NB. Ric Sherlock, 2009 09 09
NB. Some of the verbs in this script were derived from
NB. APL+Win functions written by Davin Church.

require 'dates numeric strings dll'

coclass 'rgsdates'

NB. =========================================================
NB. Existing Verbs:
NB. fmtTime     - custom string representations of times
NB. fmtDate     - custom string representations of dates
NB. toDateTime  - extend todate to handle times too
NB. toDayNumber - extend todayno to handle times too
NB. toJdayno    - convert Julian dayno to J dayno
NB. toJulian    - convert J dayno to Julian dayno

NB. getTimeZoneInfo - retrieves time zone info on Windows

NB. =========================================================
NB. TO DO...
NB. * Convert to J Project
NB. * Create test suite
NB. * Add following verbs:

NB.*getDateTime v Extend getdate to handle converting date strings with time

NB.*fmtDateTime v Formats combined date and time strings

NB.*getDateTimeDiff v dayno y - dayno x in <YYYY MM DD hh mm ss.sss> format
NB. result: numeric time difference of x-y in <YYYY MM DD hh mm ss.sss> format
NB. y is: start date,time as DayNumber
NB. x is: end date,time as DayNumber
NB. could extend to accept <YYYY MM DD hh mm ss.sss> format as inputs

NB.*fmtTimeDiff v Formated time difference
NB. y is: time difference in <YYYY MM DD hh mm ss.sss> format
NB. x is: format string
NB. eg: 'Y year\s, M \months DDD days' fmtTimeDiff y
NB. eg: 'D day\s' fmtTimeDiff y
NB. Handle part units for smallest specified unit in format string:
NB. Truncate, round, decimal
NB. How to specify?
NB.  -additional option to format string eg:
NB.      [format string[;0 or 1 or 2]] fmtTimeDiff y
NB.  -or part of format string
NB.    * decimal: YYY, MMM, DDD, hhh, mmm, sss
NB.    * round (to nearest unit): YY, MM, DD, hh, mm, ss
NB.    * truncate (only complete units): Y, M, D, h, m, s

Utility Verbs

[{{#file: "datesadd.ijs"}} Download script: datesadd.ijs ]

NB. =========================================================
NB. Utility verbs

NB.*escaped v process an escaped string
NB. result: 2-item list of boxed mask & string:
NB.          0{:: boolean mask of non-escaped characters
NB.          1{:: string with escape character compressed out
NB. y is: An escaped string
NB. x is: character used to escape string
NB. eg: '\' escaped '\Date is: D\\MM\\YYYY'
escaped=: 3 : 0
  '\' escaped y                         NB. default escape char
  mskesc=. y = x
  mskfo=. 2 < /\ 0&, mskesc             NB. 1st occurences of x
  mskesc=. mskesc ([ ~: *.) 0,}: mskfo  NB. unescaped 1st occurences of x
  mskunescaped=. -. 0,}: mskesc         NB. unescaped characters
  (-.mskesc)&# &.> mskunescaped;y       NB. compress out unescaped x

fmt=: 8!:0


[{{#file: "datesadd.ijs"}} Download script: datesadd.ijs ]

NB. =========================================================
NB. Constants
J0Date=: 2378497   NB. add to J's dayno to get Julian dayno
NB. Note that the start of a Julian day is noon so for an
NB. accurate representation of a Julian day/time combination
NB. 2378496.5 should be added instead.
MS0Date=: 36522  NB. add to Microsoft date to get a J dayno.
NB. Note that the first date supported by Microsoft Excel is 1900 1 1
NB. but dates between 1900 1 1 and 1900 1 28 will not convert properly
NB. because Excel incorrectly denotes 1900 as a leap year,
Linux0DateTime=: 62091 NB. add to Linux-style date to get a J dayno

WKDAYS=: ;:'Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday'
MONTHS=: ''; ;:'January February March April May June July August September October November December'

Dates and Day Numbers

[{{#file: "datesadd.ijs"}} Download script: datesadd.ijs ]

NB. =========================================================
NB. Verbs for converting between dates and daynumbers

NB.*toDayNumber v Extends verb "todayno" to handle time
NB. eg: toDayNumber 6!:0 ''
NB. result: numeric array as J daynos, decimals represent time
NB. y is: numeric array in date/time format specified by x
NB. x is: optional boolean specifying input format. Default 0.
NB.      0 : date/time format <yyyy mm dd hh mm ss.sss>
NB.      1 : date/time format <yyyymmdd.hhmmss.sss>
NB. Dates before 1800 1 1 are not supported
toDayNumber=: 3 : 0
  0 toDayNumber y
  ymd=. y
  if. x do.                      NB. form <yyyymmdd.hhmmss>
    hms=. 0 100 100 #: 1e_2 round 1e6 * 1||ymd
    ymd=. 0 100 100 #: <.ymd
  else.                          NB. form <yyyy mm dd hh mm ss.sss>
    hms=. 3({."1) 3}."1 ymd
    ymd=. 3{."1 |ymd
  hms=. 86400 %~ 0 60 60 #. hms  NB. to proportion of a day
  dayn=. 0 todayno ymd

NB.*toDateTime v Extends verb "todate" to handle time
NB. eg: 1 toDateTime toDayNumber 6!:0 ''
NB. result: numeric array in date/time format specified by x
NB. y is: array of J day numbers
NB. x is: optional boolean specifying output format. Default 0.
NB.      0 : date/time format <yyyy mm dd hh mm ss.sss>
NB.      1 : date/time format <yyyymmdd.hhmmss.sss>
NB. Dates before 1800 1 1 are not supported
toDateTime=: 3 : 0
  0 toDateTime y
  dayno=. y
  hms=. 1e_3 round 86400 * 1||dayno NB. get any decimal component
  dayno=. <.|dayno        NB. drop any decimal
  ymd=. x todate dayno    NB. get date component from todate
  if. x do.               NB. yyyymmdd.hhmmsssss
    hms=. 1e_6 * 0 100 100#. 0 60 60#: hms  NB. convert to 0.hhmmsssss
    ymd=. ymd + hms
  else.                   NB. yyyy mm dd hh mm ss.sss
    hms=. 0 60 60 #: hms  NB. convert to hh mm ss.sss
    ymd=. ymd ,"1 hms

NB.*toJulian v converts J day number to Julian day number
NB. eg: toJulian tDayNumber 6!:0 ''
NB. Dates before 1800 1 1 are not supported
NB. Add another 0.5 to get true Julian Day number where noon is
NB. regarded as the "start" of the day.
toJulian=: +&J0Date

NB.*fromJulian v converts Julian day number to J day number
NB. eg: fromJulian toJulian tDayNumber 6!:0 ''
NB. Dates before 1800 1 1 are not supported
toJdayno=: -&J0Date

Formatting Dates and Times

[{{#file: "datesadd.ijs"}} Download script: datesadd.ijs ]

NB. =========================================================
NB. Verbs for formating string reprentations of Dates and Times

NB.*fmtDate v Format a date in a given format
NB. eg: '\Date is: DDDD, D MMM, YYYY' fmtDate toDayNumber 6!:0''
NB. result: formated date string (or array of boxed, formated date strings)
NB. y is: numeric array of dates given as Day Numbers
NB. x is: optional format string specifing format of result
NB.      Use the following codes to specify the date format:
NB.      D: 1   DD: 01   DDD: Sun   DDDD: Sunday
NB.      M: 1   MM: 01   MMM: Jan   MMMM: January
NB.             YY: 09              YYYY: 2009
NB.     To display any of the letters (DMY) that are codes,
NB.     "escape" them with '\'
fmtDate=: 3 : 0
  'MMMM D, YYYY' fmtDate y
  pic=. x

  'unesc pic'=. '\' escaped pic
  pic=. (1 , 2 ~:/\unesc *. pic e. 'DMY') <;.1 pic  NB. Cut into tokens
  var=. pic e. codes                                NB. mark sections as vars

  ymd=. |: todate <.,y

  t=. 2{ymd                                         NB. Days
  values=. ('';'r<0>2.0') fmt"0 1 t
  t=. (7|3+<.,y){WKDAYS                             NB. Day names
  values=. values,(3&{.&.> ,: ]) t
  t=. 1{ymd                                         NB. Months
  values=. values, ('';'r<0>2.0') fmt"0 1 t
  t=. (0>.t){MONTHS                                 NB. Month names
  values=. values, (3&{.&.> ,: ]) t
  t=. 0{ymd                                         NB. Years
  values=. values, (2&}.&.> ,: ]) fmt t

  res=. <@;"1 (|:(codes i. var#pic){values) (I. var)}"1 pic
  if. 0=#$y do. res=. ,>res else.  res=. ($y)$ res end.

NB.*fmtTime v Format a time (in seconds) in a given format.
NB. eg: 'Ti\me i\s: hh:mm:ss' fmtTime 86400 * 1|toDayNumber 6!:0 ''
NB. result: formated time string (or array of boxed, formated time strings)
NB. y is: numeric array of times given as time in seconds since start of the day
NB. x is: optional format string specifing format of result
NB.      Use the following codes to specify the date format:
NB.      days ("d"), hours ("h"), minutes ("m"), seconds ("s"),
NB.      fractions of a second ("c"), or AM/PM designator ("p"):
NB.     d: 1    h: 1    m: 1    s: 1      c: 1       p: a
NB.            hh: 01  mm: 01  ss: 01    cc: 01     pp: am
NB.                           sss: 1.2  ccc: 001
NB.     If no "p" designator is present, 24 hour format is used.
NB.     To display any of the letters (DMY) that are codes,
NB.     "escape" them with '\'
fmtTime=: 3 : 0
  'h:mm:ss pp' fmtTime y
  codes=. ;:'d h hh m mm s ss sss c cc ccc p pp'
  pic=. x
  'unesc pic'=. '\' escaped pic
  dcp=. 'dcp' e. pic                                     NB. are days, millisecs, am/pm present
  pic=. (1 , 2 ~:/\unesc *. pic e. 'dhmscp') <;.1 pic    NB. Cut into tokens
  var=. pic e. codes                                     NB. mark sections as vars

  dhms=. |:(0,(24*0{dcp),60 60) #: <. 0 >. , y           NB. to lists of D,H,M,:S
  ccc=.  1e_3 round 1 | 0 >. , y                         NB. milliseconds
  values=. ,:fmt 0{dhms                                  NB. Days
  t=. (1{dhms) (] + 12&*@] | -) 2{dcp                    NB. Hours, 12/24 hour formats
  values=. values,('';'r<0>2.0') fmt"0 1 t
  t=. 2{dhms                                             NB. Minutes
  values=. values,('';'r<0>2.0') fmt"0 1 t
  t=. 3{dhms                                             NB. Seconds
  values=. values,('';'r<0>2.0') fmt"0 1 t
  values=. values, fmt t+ccc                             NB. sss
  t=. 100 10 1 round"0 1 ccc * 1000                      NB. c, cc, ccc
  values=. values, 1 2 3 {.&.> 'r<0>3.0' fmt t
  t=. (12<:24|1{dhms){ ;:'am pm'                         NB. am/pm
  values=. values,(1&{.&.> ,: ]) t

  res=. <@;"1 (|:(codes i. var#pic){values)   (I. var)}"1 pic
  if. 0=#$y do. res=. ,>res else.  res=. ($y)$ res end.

Time Zone Information

[{{#file: "datesadd.ijs"}} Download script: datesadd.ijs ]

NB. =========================================================
NB. Verbs for working with time zones

NB.*getTimeZoneInfo v function to return Windows time zone info
NB. result: 3-item list of boxed info
NB.    0{:: Daylight saving status (0 unknown, 1 standarddate, 2 daylightdate)
NB.    1{:: Bias (offset of local zone from UTC in minutes)
NB.    2{:: 2 by 3 boxed table: Standard,Daylight by Name,StartDate,Bias
NB. eg: getTimeZoneInfo ''
getTimeZoneInfo=: 3 : 0
  'tzstatus tzinfo'=. 'kernel32 GetTimeZoneInformation i *i'&cd <(,43#0)
  NB. read TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION structure
  tzinfo=. (1 (<:+/\ 1 16 4 1 16 4 1)}43#0) <;.2 tzinfo    NB. 4 byte J integers
  tzbias=. 0{:: tzinfo
  tzinfo=. _3]\ }. tzinfo                  NB. Standard info ,: Daylight info
  'name date bias'=. i. 3                  NB. column labels for tzinfo
  tmp=. (6&u:)@(2&ic)&.> name {"1 tzinfo   NB. read names as unicode text
  tmp=. (0{a.)&taketo&.> tmp               NB. take to first NUL
  tzinfo=. tmp (<a:;name)}tzinfo           NB. amend TZ names
  tmp=. _1&ic@(2&ic)&.> date{"1 tzinfo     NB. read SYSTEMTIME structures
  tzinfo=. tmp (<a:;date)}tzinfo           NB. amend TZ dates


Export and Testing

[{{#file: "datesadd.ijs"}} Download script: datesadd.ijs ]

NB. =========================================================
NB. Export to z locale
fmtTime_z_ =: fmtTime_rgsdates_
fmtDate_z_ =: fmtDate_rgsdates_
toDayNumber_z_ =: toDayNumber_rgsdates_
toDateTime_z_ =: toDateTime_rgsdates_
toJulian_z_ =: toJulian_rgsdates_
toJdayno_z_=: toJdayno_rgsdates_

NB. =========================================================
NB. Example usage and Testing

Note 'Examples/Tests'
 ]now=: 6!:0 ''
 toDayNumber now
 J0Date_rgsdates_ + toDayNumber now
 toJulian toDayNumber now
 (1e_10 > ] - toDateTime@toJdayno@toJulian@toDayNumber) now
 toDayNumber 3# ,: now
 1 dJulian 20090907.133031267
 1 toDayNumber 20090907.133031267
 1 toDayNumber 3# 20090907.133031267
 toDateTime toDayNumber now
 1 toDateTime toDayNumber now
 assert (toDayNumber now)(0.01 > |@:-)  1 toDayNumber 1&toDateTime toDayNumber now
 fmtDate toDayNumber now
 'DDDD, D MMMM YYYY' fmtDate toDayNumber now
 '\Day: D, \Month: M, Year: YY' fmtDate toDayNumber now
 'DDD, MMM DD, YYYY' fmtDate toDayNumber now
 'DD/MM/YYYY' fmtDate toDayNumber now
 'D/M/YY' fmtDate toDayNumber now
 fmtTime 0 60 60#. _3{. now
 'hh:mm:ss' fmtTime 0 60 60#. _3{. now
 fmtTime 65101.201 16542.081 85421.246
 'Ti\me\s: hh\\mm\\ss' fmtTime 65101.201 16542.081 85421.246
 'hh:mm:ss:ccc' fmtTime 65101.201 16542.081 85421.246
 require '~Projects/utils/dcdates.ijs'
 'h:m:s:c' (fmtTime -: tSpell) 65101.201 16542.081 85421.246 16542.081
 'h:m:s:c' (fmtTime -: tSpell) 65101.201