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The installation page currently says "'Git for Windows' and cygwin share the windows .ssh folder. WSL has its own .ssh folder."

It's possible to configure the linux instance you install under wsl to share the configuration with a cygwin .ssh instance. This can be tricky, so a cautious approach should be used.

The basic principle is that /etc/passwd determines the location of your home directory (the .ssh folder must be located in your home directory -- .ssh will refuse to follow any symbolic links to avoid account hijack issues on multi-user systems). The risk is that if you screw it up you might lock yourself out of using that part of the system. One approach here would be to create a second account in wsl, test that you have configured it appropriately (using su) and then swap the account names of the pair of accounts in /etc/passwd *after* you have determined that your configuration is robust and adequate to survive a machine reboot.