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Basic operations

In J504 a root of degree higher than 2 (or, rather <.@%:) was not implemented correctly for extended argument (corrected in J601). The workaround was to use

introot=: 4 : '(] [`]@.(y&>:@^&x@]) +)/ 1x,|.*/\.2x#~x<.@%~2x<.@^.y'

(see also Essays/IntRoot)

prp=: [: *./ ([: *./ 1: = {: +. }:)\

checks if integers from a given list are pairwise relatively prime


Verbs for linear and piecewise-linear interpolation

NB. x is 2 $ interval   y is value(s) (any rank)
NB. Result is fractional position(s) within interval
invlerp =: ( ({.@[ - ]) % -/@[ )"1 _ :. lerp

NB. x is 2 $ interval   y is fractional position(s) within interval (any rank)
NB. Result is value(s)
lerp =: (+/@:* (,~ -.))"1 0"1 _ :. invlerp

NB. x is a list of points, in ascending order, y is value
NB. result is interval . fractional position  for the interval bracketing y
NB. If y is out of bounds, use the endpoint
NB. After the test for too low/too high, we keep the vector of items of x less than y, and
NB. the first item of x ge y.  The count of these, -2, is the integer part, and we invlerp
NB. within the last 2 to find the fraction
piecewiseinvlerp =: (( ( (] (-&2@#@]  +  (invlerp~ _2&{.)) >:@(i.&0)@:< {. [) ` (<:@#@[)) @. ((>: {:)~)) ` 0:) @. ((< {.)~) "1 0

NB. x is a list of vectors, representing data values, each vector at one point
NB. y is interval . fractional position within interval
NB. Result is value
piecewiselerp =: 13 : '((,~ -.) 1 | y) +/@:(*"_1)  ((#x) | (, >:) <. y) { x'"_ 0

Different way that allows for higher order interpolation is described in this forum post

NB. Resampling
NB. y is (x values),:(y values)
NB. x is new x values
NB. Result is new y values
resamp =: 4 : 0
  NB. Intervals are numbered by the index of the sample that
  NB. ends the interval.  So, interval 0 is before the first sample
  NB. and interval {:$y is after the last.  We calculate the
  NB. interval number for each x and then, if it is one of those
  NB. off-the-end intervals, adjust to the nearest interior interval.
  NB. This means we extrapolate out-of-range values using the slope
  NB. of the outermost intervals.
  ix =. 1 >. (<:{:$y) <. (0{y) I. x
  NB. Calculate the interpolating polynomial for each interval.
  NB. Here we use linear interpolation, so the polynomial is (y value),(dy/dx)
  NB. Create a polynomial for the first interval (off the beginning),
  NB. using the slope of the first internal interval
  intpoly =. (1 { y) ,. (,~ {.)   %~/ 2 -/\"1 y
  NB. The value to return is the interpolating polynomial, evaluated
  NB. given the distance between the desired value and the origin point
  NB. (i. e. right endpoint) of the interval
  (ix { intpoly) p. x-(<0;ix) { y

Interpolation on a circle

When values needed to be interpolated are angular, say, degrees, then using these routines may cause incorrect result. For example, if we measure some angle 355° at 11:00, it increases with time and becomes 5° at 12 and we want to know what was the angle at 11:24, then using 'lerp' directly gives

   355 5 lerp 0.4

What we need to do is to adjust values that crossed 360° boundary, perform interpolation and coerce result back to 0°..360° range.

NB. Assumes that y is vector of increasing values modulo x. For example
NB. if x=360, then y may mean angular values expressed in degrees.
NB. Whenever next number is smaller than the previous, this must mean that it
NB. crossed x boundary
modadjust=:] + [: +/\ [ * 0 , 2 >/\ ]

   (360 circadjust 355 5) lerp 0.4


Continued fractions

Continued fractions are fractions of a form a+1/(b+1/(c+...+1/z), where a,b,c are integers >0 and z is integer>1. Simplest way to represent a finite continued fraction in J is a list of integers.

NB.* ecf v evaluate continued fraction
ecf=: (+%)/

NB.* cf v convert a number to continued fraction
cf=: ]`(<. , $:@%@(1&|))@.(~: <.)

Continued fraction representation of an irrational number is an infinite list. Chopped at some point to a finite list it gives "good" (in certain sense "best") approximation of a number. The following phrase give rational approximations of π. First in this list is mentioned in the bible, second discovered by Archimedes and fourth is sometimes attributed to Tsu Ch'ung-Chi (Zu Chongzhi).

   cf x:o.1
3 7 15 1 292 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 5 1 3 11 1 1 4 1 2 14
   ecf\ cf x:o.1
3 22r7 333r106 355r113 103993r33102 104348r33215 ...

Another useful fact about continued fractions is that quadratic irrationalities have periodic continued fraction representation.

   cf x:%:2
1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 45 2 1 2 11 1 3 6
   cf x:%:3
1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 5 7 2 6 1 2 1 4 2
   NB. non-periodic tails here are due to inexact floating point representation

Converting a number (possibly obtained by numeric methods) to continued fraction may hint it is being a quadratic irrationality.

See also this essay.

Decimal and other positional fractions

require 'strings'


NB.* d2f v convert decimal representation of fraction into
NB. normal fraction. Accepts 'x.yyy(zzzz)' where (zzzz) -- period
d2f=: (10x & $:) : (4 : 0)
  r=. '(' taketo y NB. regular part
  p=. (#~ e.&DIGITS) '(' takeafter y  NB. periodic part
  p10=. # '.'takeafter r
  s=. *0.5 - '-' e. r
  r=. r-.'-'
  i=. x #. DIGITS i. '.' taketo r
  f=. x #. DIGITS i. '.' takeafter r
  a=. x #. DIGITS i. p
  s*i+(x^-p10) * f+a%<:x^#p
  NB. p1=.(".@(}:&.((-p10)&|.)) '-' taketo&.|. '-',r)% x ^ p10
  NB. p2=.(".@(,&'x') %&x: <:@(x.&^)@#) p
  NB. s*p1 + p2 % x ^ p10

NB. convert rational into periodic fraction on given base
NB. optional left argument is base and (optional) maximum number of
NB. digits in fractionalpart to look for
NB. For example:
NB.   f2d 1r7 NB. same as (10x;100) f2d 1r7
NB.   (2;15) f2d 1r29
NB.   (2;26) f2d 1r29
f2d=: formatrational=: (10x & $:) : (4 : 0)
  'base maxdigits'=. 2{.(boxxopen x),<100
  base=. x:base
  assert. (base=<.base)*.(1<base)
  r=. ''
  if. 0>y do. r=. '-' [ y=. -y end.
  r=. r,DIGITS{~base&#.^:_1<.y
  y=. 1x|y
  if. 0<y do. r=. r,'.' end.
  rm=. ,y NB. list of remainders
  while. 0<y do.
  v=. y*base
  y=. 1x|v
  i=: rm i. y
  if. i>:#rm do.
    rm=. rm,y
    r=. r,DIGITS{~<.v
    NB. cycle detected in periodic fraction
    r=. r (}.~ , '('"_ , {.~ , ')'"_) i-#rm
  if. 0>maxdigits=. maxdigits-1 do. r=. r,'...' break. end.