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A semiprime is a number with exactly 2 (not necessarily distinct) prime factors. The semiprimes less than 50 are:

   sp1=: (#~ 2 = #@q:) @ }. @ i.
   sp1 50
4 6 9 10 14 15 21 22 25 26 33 34 35 38 39 46 49

It is possible to produce this list without testing each integer i<n . A semiprime can be written as a product of primes p*q where p<:q .  p is necessarily less than %:n , and for each such p the possible primes q are those greater than or equal to p but less than n%p . For n=:50 , %:50 is 7.07 ; the primes less than 7.07 are 2 3 5 7 ;  and

   50 % 2 3 5 7
25 16.6667 10 7.14286
   /:~ (2 * 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23), (3 * 3 5 7 11 13), (5 * 5 7), 7*7
4 6 9 10 14 15 21 22 25 26 33 34 35 38 39 46 49

In general,

nplt=: p:^:_1        NB. #primes <  n
plt =: i.&.(p:^:_1)  NB.  primes <  n

sp  =: 3 : '/:~ ; (* nplt }. plt@(y&%))&.> plt %:y'

   *./ (sp1 -: sp)"0 i.1000

There is an alternative formulation which works with a list q of primes less than n%2 and a list p of primes <: %:n .

sp2=: 3 : 0
 q=. i.&.(_1&p:) -:>:y
 p=. q {.~ q I. %:y
 /:~ ; p *&.> (i.#p) }.&.> (q I. >.y%p) {.&.> <q

   *./ (sp2 -: sp1)"0 i.1000

The Number of Semiprimes

The number of semiprimes less than n derives from the same reasoning:

nsp=: 3 : '+/ (nplt@(y&%) - nplt) plt %:y' " 0

   nsp 50
   *./ (nsp -: #@sp)"0 i.1000
   nsp 10^i.10
0 3 34 299 2625 23378 210035 1904324 17427258 160788536

Collected Definitions

sp1 =: (#~ 2 = #@q:) @ }. @ i.

nplt=: p:^:_1        NB. #primes <  n
plt =: i.&.(p:^:_1)  NB.  primes <  n

sp  =: 3 : '/:~ ; (* nplt }. plt@(y&%))&.> plt %:y'

sp2 =: 3 : 0
 q=. i.&.(_1&p:) -:>:y
 p=. q {.~ q I. %:y
 /:~ ; p *&.> (i.#p) }.&.> (q I. >.y%p) {.&.> <q

nsp =: 3 : '+/ (nplt@(y&%) - nplt) plt %:y' " 0

See also

Contributed by Roger Hui.