Essays/Extended Precision Functions

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Some algebraic and transcendental functions are computed to an arbitrary number of decimal places. In each case, x f y computes f y to x decimal places, with a default of 40 for x . The computations exploit the rational number facility in J; therefore, intermediate calculations nearly always are performed on many more digits than x and are not as efficient as can be.

The argument y should be specified as either an extended integer or rational number, to avoid errors that can be introduced in the conversion to such when specified as an ordinary number (a machine-word integer or IEEE 64-bit floating point number) and errors inherent in the representation. See the examples under Logarithm and Sine and Cosine.


DP=: 40

round=: DP&$: : (4 : 0)
 b %~ <.1r2+y*b=. 10x^x

pi=: DP&$: : (4 : 0)
 b %~ (x:!.0 y) * <.@o. b=. 10x^x+8+0>.>.10^.>./|y

DP specifies the default number of decimal places.  x round y rounds y to x decimal places.  x pi y computes π times y to x decimal places.


 ^.y satisfies the identities

(^.a*b) = (^.a) + ^.b
(^.a^b) = b * ^.a

y can be written as r * 2^m where m is an integer and r is between %%:2 and %:2 ,  whence ^.y can be computed as (^.r)+m*^.2 .

Equation 4.1.27 in Abramowitz & Stegun is a power series for ^.y :

(^.y) = 2 * +/ i %~ ((y-1)%y+1) ^ i=. 1+2*i.n

The series converge for all y , rapidly if y is between %%:2 and %:2 (between approximately 0.7 and 1.4).

The logic in the preceding discussion is implemented in the verb ln :

ln=: DP&$: : (4 : 0) " 0
 assert. 0<y
 m=. <.0.5+2^.y
 t=. (<:%>:) (x:!.0 y)%2x^m
 if. x<-:#":t do. t=. (1+x) round t end.
 ln2=. 2*+/1r3 (^%]) 1+2*i.>.0.5*(%3)^.0.5*0.1^x+>.10^.1>.m
 lnr=. 2*+/t   (^%]) 1+2*i.>.0.5*(|t)^.0.5*0.1^x
 lnr + m * ln2


   0j40 ": ln ,.2 10 100 1000 0.1 0.01 0.001

ln can not deliver more precision than the argument possesses. For example:

   0j50 ": 50 ln 1x1

1x1 is Euler's number e represented as a 64-bit floating point number and is therefore a rational approximation to e. A more accurate representation for e leads to the expected answer:

   1e_50 (>i.1:) %!i.50
   0j50 ": +/%!i.42x
   0j50 ": 50 ln +/%!i.42x


By application of the identities

(^a+b) = (^a) * ^b
(^a-b) = (^a) % ^b
(^a*b) = (^a) ^ b

^y is seen to be equal to (2^m)*^y-m*^.2 . We specify m=.<.0.5+y%^.2 so that the magnitude of the difference d=.y-m*^.2 is bounded by 2%~^.2 (approximately 0.35). The power series +/(d^i)%!i=.i.n for ^d converges rapidly for such d .

The logic is the preceding discussion is implemented in the verb exp :

exp=: DP&$: : (4 : 0) " 0
 m=. <.0.5+y%^.2
 xm=. x+>.m*10^.2
 d=. (x:!.0 y)-m*xm ln 2
 if. xm<-:#":d do. d=. xm round d end.
 e=. 0.1^xm
 n=. e (>i.1:) a (^%!@]) i.>.a^.e [ a=. |y-m*^.2
 (2x^m) * 1++/*/\d%1+i.n


   0j40 ": exp ,. _1 1 2 20

   0j40 ": ln exp 20
   0j40 ": exp ln 1r5

   0j40 ": exp -: ln 2

   0j40 ": exp pi sqrt 163

Square Root

sqrt=: DP&$: : (4 : 0) " 0
 assert. 0<:y
 %/ <.@%: (2 x: (2*x) round y)*10x^2*x+0>.>.10^.y


   0j40 ": sqrt 2

   0j40 ": ,. (, *:) sqrt 3 %~ 10^15x

Sine and Cosine

Since sin y and cos y are periodic only arguments in the range 0 to 2*π need to be handled by the core routines. The arguments that need to be handled can be further restricted by application of the sum formulas

(sin a+b) = ((sin a)*cos b) + (sin b)*cos a
(cos a+b) = ((cos a)*cos b) - (sin a)*sin b

The following table shows how to compute sin y and cos y in various ranges.

range (multiples of π)    sin y    cos y
 0  0.25    sin y    cos y
 0.25  0.5    cos y-~π*0.5    sin y-~π*0.5
 0.5  0.75    cos y- π*0.5  - sin y- π*0.5
 0.75  1    sin y-~π  - cos y-~π
 1  1.25  - sin y- π  - cos y- π
 1.25  1.5  - cos y-~π*1.5  - sin y-~π*1.5
 1.5  1.75  - cos y- π*1.5    sin y- π*1.5
 1.75  2  - sin y-~π*2    cos y-~π*2

In all cases, sin y and cos y can be computed as sin t or cos t where t is between 0 and π*0.25 . (However, if y is 1 or less, it is better to just compute sin y and cos y directly rather than cos y-~π*0.5 and sin y-~π*0.5 as suggested by the table.)

The Taylor series for sin and cos are as follows. The series converge for all y , rapidly if |y is less than 1.

(sin y) = -/ (y ^ i) % ! i=. 1 + 2 * i. n
(cos y) = -/ (y ^ i) % ! i=.     2 * i. n

The logic in the preceding discussion is implemented in the following verbs:

cnt=: 4 : 0  NB. range index; # terms; standardized argument
 t=. ((x+0>.>.(10^.|y)-10^.2p1) pi 2)|x:!.0 y
 c=. (1,0.25p1*2+i.6) I. x:^:_1 t
 t=. (1+x) round +/(_1x^c+0 1)*t,(1r2*>.c%2)*(1+x) pi 1
 e=. 0.1^x
 n=. e (>i.1:) d (^%!@]) 2*i.x>.<.0.5*d^.e [ d=. x:^:_1 t

sin=: DP&$: : (4 : 0) " 0
 'c n t'=. x cnt y
 (_1^c e. 4 5 6 7) * -/ t (^%!@]) (2x*i.n) + c e. 0 3 4 7

cos=: DP&$: : (4 : 0) " 0
 'c n t'=. x cnt y
 (_1^c e. 2 3 4 5) * -/ t (^%!@]) (2x*i.n) + c e. 1 2 5 6


   0j50 ": 50 sin 1
   0j50 ": 50 cos 1
   0j50 ": 50 (sin +&*: cos) 1

   0j40 ": sin 0.8

Regarding the last result, Abramowitz & Stegun says (Table 4.6, page 158) that sin 0.8 is 0.71735 60908 99522 76162 718 . The last digit in the A&S figure is incorrect.

The constant 1p1 is represented as a 64-bit floating point number and is therefore a rational number. Consequently, sin 1p1 is nonzero as sin y can not be zero for any nonzero rational number y .

   1p1 - 3.141592653589793

Since only a true 0 displays as 0, 1p1 is exactly 3.141592653589793 , a number slight less than π.

   y=: 3141592653589793x % 10^15x
   0j40 ": sin y
   0j40 ": cos y

Inverse Sine and Cosine

For the inverse sine, Abramowitz & Stegun 4.4.41 is used when 0.5<:|y and 4.4.40 when 0.5>|y . The following table is the estimated number of required terms for 40 decimal places for each y for 4.4.41 and 4.4.40:

   f=: 4 : '(<._0.5*x%10^.y),~<.-x%10^.(1-y)%2'
   0j2 6 0 ": (,. 40&f"0) (0.02*i.6),0.2 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.8 ,0.9+0.02*i.5
0.00   132    0
0.02   129   11
0.04   125   14
0.06   121   16
0.08   118   18
0.10   115   20
0.20   100   28
0.40    76   50
0.50    66   66
0.60    57   90
0.80    40  206
0.90    30  437
0.92    28  552
0.94    26  744
0.96    23 1128
0.98    20 2279

asin1=: 4 : 0   NB. A&S 4.4.41
 z=. 1-y
 k=. 1x + i.<.-x%10^.z%2
 s=. 1x + +/ (z^k) * (>:2*k) %~ */\ (<:2*k) % 4*k
 (x pi 1r2) - s * x sqrt 2*z

asin0=: 4 : 0   NB. A&S 4.4.40
 k=. 1x + 2 * i.<._0.5*x%10^.y
 +/ (y^k) * k %~ }: 1 , */\ k % 1+k

arcsin=: DP&$: : (4 : 0) " 0
 assert. 1>:|y
 y1=. | (1+x) round x:!.0 y
 if. 0.5<:|y do. (*y)*x asin1 y1 else. (*y)*x asin0 y1 end.

arccos=: DP&$: : (4 : 0) " 0
 (x pi 1r2) - x arcsin y


   0j40 ": arcsin 1r2
   0j40 ": sin arcsin 1r2

Inverse Tangent

arctan=: DP&$: : (4 : 0) " 0
 if. 0=y do. 0 return. end.
 if. 1>:|y do. x arctan1 y else. x arctan0 y end.

arctan0=: DP&$: : (4 : 0) " 0    NB. A&S 4.4.42
 y1=. x:!.0 |y
 r =. %^:(1<|y)            y1
 r2=. %^:(1<|y) x round *: y1
 n=. >.-x*r2^.10
 a=. r * -/(1+2*i.n)%~*/\1,(n-1)$r2
 if. 1>|y do. (*y)*a else. (*y)*a-~(2*t)%~<.@o. t=. 10x^1+x end.

arctan1=: DP&$: : (4 : 0) " 0    NB. Euler
 y1=. x:!.0 y
 r=. x round (%>:) *: y1
 n=. >.-x*r^.10
 y1 %~ +/ */\ r * (1>.4x**:i.n) % */"1]1>.i.n,2


   0j40 ": arctan 1
   0j40 ": pi 1r4

   0j40 ": arctan sqrt 3
   0j40 ": pi 1r3

   0j40 ": arctan 1000

Hyperbolic Sine and Cosine

sinh=: DP&$: : (4 : 0) " 0
 if. x>10^.|y do. (1r2*_1^0>y)*x exp |y end.
 if. 1<|y do. -:-/x exp y,-y end.
 e=. 0.1^x
 n=. e (>i.1:) y (^%!@]) 1+2*i.>.0.5*y^.e
 +/(x:!.0 y) (^%!@]) 1+2x*i.n

cosh=: DP&$: : (4 : 0) " 0
 if. x>10^.|y do. (1r2*_1^0>y)*x exp |y end.
 if. 1<|y do. -:+/x exp y,-y end.
 e=. 0.1^x
 n=. e (>i.1:) y (^%!@]) 2*i.>.0.5*y^.e
 +/(x:!.0 y) (^%!@]) 2x*i.n


   0j40 ": sinh 1r3
   0j40 ": cosh 1r3

Error Function

The Taylor's series for erf y is:

(erf y) = 2p_0.5 * -/ (!i.n) %~ y (^%]) 1+2*i.n

This can be implemented as follows, with (y^2*k)%!k being computed as */(k$*:y)%1+i.k to reduce the magnitude of intermediate results.

erf=: DP&$: : (4 : 0) " 0
 e=. 0.5p0.5*0.1^1+x
 y1=. |x:^:_1 y=. x: y
 if. 1>y1 do. m=. >.-:y1^.e else. m=. >.2p1**:y1 end.
 n=. (^.e) (>i.1:) (^.y1)+(i*2*^.y1)-(^.1+2*i)++/\^.1>.i=. i.m
 (2 % x sqrt x pi 1) * -/(1+2*i.n)%~*/\(y,(n-1)$*:y)%1>.i.n


   0j40 ": erf 4r5
   0j40 ": erf 6

Normal CDF

The CDF of the N(0,1) distribution can be computed readily from the error function:

n01cdf=: DP&$: : (4 : 0) " 0
 2 %~ 1 + x erf (x: y) * x sqrt 1r2


   0j40 ": n01cdf 1r2

   0j40 ": ,. n01cdf 1 2 3

Collected Definitions

DP=: 40

round=: DP&$: : (4 : 0)
 b %~ <.1r2+y*b=. 10x^x

pi=: DP&$: : (4 : 0)
 b %~ (x:!.0 y) * <.@o. b=. 10x^x+8+0>.>.10^.>./|y

ln=: DP&$: : (4 : 0) " 0
 assert. 0<y
 m=. <.0.5+2^.y
 t=. (<:%>:) (x:!.0 y)%2x^m
 if. x<-:#":t do. t=. (1+x) round t end.
 ln2=. 2*+/1r3 (^%]) 1+2*i.>.0.5*(%3)^.0.5*0.1^x+>.10^.1>.m
 lnr=. 2*+/t   (^%]) 1+2*i.>.0.5*(|t)^.0.5*0.1^x
 lnr + m * ln2

exp=: DP&$: : (4 : 0) " 0
 m=. <.0.5+y%^.2
 xm=. x+>.m*10^.2
 d=. (x:!.0 y)-m*xm ln 2
 if. xm<-:#":d do. d=. xm round d end.
 e=. 0.1^xm
 n=. e (>i.1:) a (^%!@]) i.>.a^.e [ a=. |y-m*^.2
 (2x^m) * 1++/*/\d%1+i.n

sqrt=: DP&$: : (4 : 0) " 0
 assert. 0<:y
 %/ <.@%: (2 x: (2*x) round y)*10x^2*x+0>.>.10^.y

cnt=: 4 : 0  NB. range index; # terms; standardized argument
 t=. ((x+0>.>.(10^.|y)-10^.2p1) pi 2)|x:!.0 y
 c=. (1,0.25p1*2+i.6) I. x:^:_1 t
 t=. (1+x) round +/(_1x^c+0 1)*t,(1r2*>.c%2)*(1+x) pi 1
 e=. 0.1^x
 n=. e (>i.1:) d (^%!@]) 2*i.x>.<.0.5*d^.e [ d=. x:^:_1 t

sin=: DP&$: : (4 : 0) " 0
 'c n t'=. x cnt y
 (_1^c e. 4 5 6 7) * -/ t (^%!@]) (2x*i.n) + c e. 0 3 4 7

cos=: DP&$: : (4 : 0) " 0
 'c n t'=. x cnt y
 (_1^c e. 2 3 4 5) * -/ t (^%!@]) (2x*i.n) + c e. 1 2 5 6

asin1=: 4 : 0   NB. A&S 4.4.41
 z=. 1-y
 k=. 1x + i.<.-x%10^.z%2
 s=. 1x + +/ (z^k) * (>:2*k) %~ */\ (<:2*k) % 4*k
 (x pi 1r2) - s * x sqrt 2*z

asin0=: 4 : 0   NB. A&S 4.4.40
 k=. 1x + 2 * i.<._0.5*x%10^.y
 +/ (y^k) * k %~ }: 1 , */\ k % 1+k

arcsin=: DP&$: : (4 : 0) " 0
 assert. 1>:|y
 y1=. | (1+x) round x:!.0 y
 if. 0.5<:|y do. (*y)*x asin1 y1 else. (*y)*x asin0 y1 end.

arccos=: DP&$: : (4 : 0) " 0
 (x pi 1r2) - x arcsin y

arctan=: DP&$: : (4 : 0) " 0
 if. 0=y do. 0 return. end.
 if. 1>:|y do. x arctan1 y else. x arctan0 y end.

arctan0=: DP&$: : (4 : 0) " 0    NB. A&S 4.4.42
 y1=. x:!.0 |y
 r =. %^:(1<|y)            y1
 r2=. %^:(1<|y) x round *: y1
 n=. >.-x*r2^.10
 a=. r * -/(1+2*i.n)%~*/\1,(n-1)$r2
 if. 1>|y do. (*y)*a else. (*y)*a-~(2*t)%~<.@o. t=. 10x^1+x end.

arctan1=: DP&$: : (4 : 0) " 0    NB. Euler
 y1=. x:!.0 y
 r=. x round (%>:) *: y1
 n=. >.-x*r^.10
 y1 %~ +/ */\ r * (1>.4x**:i.n) % */"1]1>.i.n,2

sinh=: DP&$: : (4 : 0) " 0
 if. x>10^.|y do. (1r2*_1^0>y)*x exp |y end.
 if. 1<|y do. -:-/x exp y,-y end.
 e=. 0.1^x
 n=. e (>i.1:) y (^%!@]) 1+2*i.>.0.5*y^.e
 +/(x:!.0 y) (^%!@]) 1+2x*i.n

cosh=: DP&$: : (4 : 0) " 0
 if. x>10^.|y do. (1r2*_1^0>y)*x exp |y end.
 if. 1<|y do. -:+/x exp y,-y end.
 e=. 0.1^x
 n=. e (>i.1:) y (^%!@]) 2*i.>.0.5*y^.e
 +/(x:!.0 y) (^%!@]) 2x*i.n

erf=: DP&$: : (4 : 0) " 0
 e=. 0.5p0.5*0.1^1+x
 y1=. |x:^:_1 y=. x: y
 if. 1>y1 do. m=. >.-:y1^.e else. m=. >.2p1**:y1 end.
 n=. (^.e) (>i.1:) (^.y1)+(i*2*^.y1)-(^.1+2*i)++/\^.1>.i=. i.m
 (2 % x sqrt x pi 1) * -/(1+2*i.n)%~*/\(y,(n-1)$*:y)%1>.i.n

n01cdf=: DP&$: : (4 : 0) " 0
 2 %~ 1 + x erf (x: y) * x sqrt 1r2

See also

Contributed by Roger Hui.