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,: y Itemize

Rank Infinity -- operates on x and y as a whole -- WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT?

Creates an array whose rank is 1 more than the rank of y, and whose single item is y .

The shape of  ,:y is always (1 , $y).

   y=: 'alpha'   NB. list ==> one-row table
   ,: y
   $ ,: y
1 5

   $ ,: i. 3 4   NB. table => one-layer brick
1 3 4

Common uses

1. When building a 2-matrix row-by-row, ensures that it begins as a 2-matrix

   z=: 'alpha'

   ]z=: z , 'bravo'
   NB. --not the result we wanted.

   z=: ,:'alpha'

   ]z=: z , 'bravo'
   ]z=: z , 'charlie'

2. To create an array whose items are copies of y

   ]y =: 2 3 $ 'abcdef'   NB. A 2x3 table
   ]z =: 2 2$ ,: y        NB. z is a 2x2 array of 2x3 tables.  Note ,:



   $z                     NB. 2x2 array of 2x3 tables
2 2 2 3

3. As a 2-matrix literal syntax:

   1 2 3 , 4 5 6 , ,:7 8 9
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9

NOTE: this happens to be equivalent to: 1 2 3 , 4 5 6 ,: 7 8 9

x ,: y Laminate

Rank Infinity -- operates on x and y as a whole, after adjusting the smaller operand -- WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT?

Creates a two-item array (with rank at least 2) whose first item comes from x and whose second item comes from y .

   x=: 'alpha'
   y=: 'bravo'

   ] z=: x ,: y  NB. x is item 0, y is item 1
2 5

Common uses

1. Build a table from strings

   'alpha' , 'bravo' ,: 'charlie'

Note: in J's right-to-left execution order, the first 2 strings to be combined are 'bravo' and 'charlie' -- which need (,:). For additional rows you must use (,).

Related Primitives

Append (x , y), Append Items (x ,. y), Raze (; y)

More Information

x ,: y loosely follows the detailed description of ; y, except that atomic arguments are handled differently.

1. If x and y are both atoms, they are converted to lists so that they become the rows of a 1-column table

   1 ,: 2

2. If only one of x and y is an atom, it is replicated to the shape of the other before the two are joined

   6 ,: 1 2 3   NB. 6 is replicated before joining
6 6 6
1 2 3

Note that a scalar argument laminated to an empty one will disappear

   0 ,: ''      NB. 0 is 'replicated' to become an empty list
   $ 0 ,: ''
2 0

The replication of an atom to the shape of the other occurs after the type and precision of the result are decided. This means that the atom counts as a "non-empty argument" for that decision, even though it will not contribute atoms to the final result.

   3!:0 (0 ,: '')      NB. Boolean atom has its say
   3!:0 ((0$0) ,: '')  NB. Boolean empty has lower priority

3. After atoms are extended or replicated, they are brought to the same rank by adding leading axes of length 1, and to the same shape by adding fill, which can be specified by  !.f

  (i. 2 3) ,: (i. 3 2)
0 1 2
3 4 5
0 0 0

0 1 0
2 3 0
4 5 0
  (i. 2 3) ,:!.99 (i. 4)
 0  1  2 99
 3  4  5 99

 0  1  2  3
99 99 99 99


1. The J Dictionary says that the fill atom can be empty, but the J7 engine does not support this.

Use These Combinations

Combinations using x ,: y that have exceptionally good performance include:

What it does Type;


Syntax Variants;



Bug Warnings

Composite item the x arrays are the same precision and not boxed, extended integer, or rational name =: i} x0,x1,...,xm,:xn =. in place of =:

If there are 2 x's, i may be Boolean or integer, but if more than 2 x's, i must be integer

avoids catenation and lamination
Composite item in place b is Boolean; x and name are the same precision and not boxed, extended integer, or rational name =. b} x,:name

name =. b} name,: x

=: in place of =.

Must be same name either side

avoids making a new copy of name