Essays/Binary Probability

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Binary probability approach allows to represent random events as binary arrays corresponding to elements of a finite uniformly distributed sample space with resulting conveniences of calculating frequencies as averages of such arrays and manipulating events with boolean operations.

Trials and Events

As an illustration we will consider rolls of two dice.

When we have a single trial, multiple events can occur. For example, tossing one die, event A: die is odd; event B: die is prime.

In multiple trials, their combined outcomes may constitute a single event. For example, tossing two dice, event A: both dice are 3; event B: first die is greater than the second.

Single Trial

Viewed separately, each roll of dice can describe a single trial.

Sample Space

A roll of one die is an outcome ω corresponding to the number of dots, and its sample space is Ω = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, each ω is from Ω. Probability of each ω, P(ω) = 1/|Ω|, 1 divided by the number of elements in Ω.

To illustrate in J, we will designate the event space of a single roll as:

  D=. '123456'

An event is any subset of the sample space. For example, event "roll is odd" is subset '135' of D.

Discrete Probability

To calculate probabilities of an event, we find its frequency in the sample space, i.e. divide the number of elements in the event by total number of elements in the sample space. To count elements, we will add up 1s corresponding to elements in the event.

   '1'=D              NB. die shows 1
1 0 0 0 0 0
   x:(+/ % #) '1'=D   NB. probability 1/6

  Pr=: +/ % #         NB. "filter" for discrete probability of event

   '12' =/ D          NB. die shows either 1 or 2
1 0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 0 0 0
   x:Pr '12' +./ . (=/) D

An alternative to OR-ing elementary filters, is to ask, which elements belong to the event?

   D e. '135'      NB. which are odd?
1 0 1 0 1 0
   Pr D e. '135'   NB. probability of odd roll

Random Variable

It is more convenient and general, to ask a question about oddness numerically. To do so we need to designate a random variable, a function which converts the elements of a sample space to certain numeric equivalents.

In general, it is not a one-to-one correspondence, but a functional relation (injection), i.e. many elements may correspond to the same number. However, we need to preserve the correspondence with the orginal elements in the range of the random variable (including duplicates), in order to preserve the distribution.

   ]X=: "."0 D    NB. X is the range of this random variable
1 2 3 4 5 6

   2|X            NB. odd rolls as numerical list
1 0 1 0 1 0
   Pr 2|X

Binary Random Variable

The boolean filter operation used in calculating the discrete probability (both for events and the variable) is, in turn, a binary-valued random variable x, whose distribution Pr(X=x): x in {0,1} -> {1-p,p} determines the probability p of the sought event.

Thus the probability of an event is the average (+/ % #) of its binary variable over the event space. Hence, our convenient definition of Pr.

Complementary Event

The other part of a binary random variable, X=0, corresponds to non-occurence of its event A, obtained with a unary operation "not A", which is the complement to event A in the elementary space.

For event A with probability p, its complementary event has probablity 1-p, the other value of the binary-variable distribution.

Two Trials

Now we will consider two rolls of dice.

Sample Space

The basic event space T for two rolls is a raveled cartesian product of elementary outcomes of each roll. Each boxed element is a pair whose first item is the first roll and second item is the second roll.

   ]T=. ,{;~D
|11|12|13|14|15|16|21|22|23|24|25|26|31|32|33|34|35|36|41|42|43 ...


So we can ask questions about each roll separately or about a pair together.

   x:Pr =/&>T      NB. two dice are equal
   x:Pr '3'={.&>T  NB. first die is 3
   x:Pr >&"./&>T   NB. first is greater than second

In the last case we used the familiar random variable, the numeric values of dice.

Union Event

The union of two events A and B, denoted A union B is when at least one of the two events happens. Alternatively, we can say either A or B (or both) happen, so it can be calculated as OR of two event filters.

   x:Pr ('3'={.&>T) +. ('3'={:&>T)  NB. first roll or second roll is 3

Alternatively, a union can be constructed semantically, if we know how to ask a question. In this case:

   x:Pr '3'&e.&>T   NB. 3 belongs to a pair of two rolls

Let's take a closer look at this union subspace:

   ]U=: T #~ '3'&e.&>T              NB. union subspace

   ('3'={.&>U) + _1*'3'={:&>U       NB. structure
_1 _1 1 1 0 1 1 1 _1 _1 _1

  U <@:>/.~ ('3'={.&>U) + _1*'3'={:&>U   NB. grouping
|23|32|  |
|43|34|  |
|53|35|  |
|63|36|  |

Its structure consists of three parts: B without A, A without B and both A and B.

As seen here, the probability (and count) of the union is not the sum of probabilities of A and B. Because they have a common part, which will be repeated in a sum, we need to subtract it. Thus yet another way to calculate union probability is P(A union B) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A and B).

   x: (Pr '3'={.&>T) + (Pr '3'={:&>T) - Pr '3'&(*./ .=)&>T

Joint Event

When both events A and B happen, it is designated as A intersects B, or simply A AND B. Joint probability, or probability of a joint event, is determined with the AND operation between the event filters.

  x:Pr ('3'={.&>T) *. '3'={:&>T

Semantically, it is an event where no dice show 3.

   x:Pr '3'&(*./ .=)&>T

Difference Event

A without B can be obtained by subtracting (x AND not y) the event filters of A from A and B. Or P(A\B) = P(A\[A and B]) = P(A and not [A and B])

   x:Pr ('3'={.&>T) > ('3'={.&>T) *. '3'={:&>T

Alternatively, it is the probability of A minus the probability of A and B. Or P(A\B) = P(A) - P(A and B).

   x:(Pr '3'={.&>T) - Pr ('3'={.&>T)  *. '3'={:&>T

Conditional Probability


Given events (or subsets) A and B in the sample space Ω, if it is known that an element randomly drawn from Ω belongs to B, then the probability that it also belongs to A is defined to be the conditional probability of A, given B.

Thus, the probability of event A, given occurence of B, is the probability of their intersection in the new sample space B.

In other words, event "A given B" is a projection of subset A on subset B.

   _6]\ A=: 4>+&"./&>T    NB. A: sum < 4
1 1 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
   x:Pr A

   _6]\ B=: '1'={.&>T     NB. B: first is 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0
   x:Pr B
   B#T                    NB. projection

   ] AcB=: 4>+&"./&> B#T  NB. A given B
1 1 0 0 0 0

   x:Pr AcB

Now applying the formula P(A|B) = P(A and B) / P(B)

   x: pAcB=: (Pr A *. B) % Pr B

Statistical Independence

Two random events A and B are independent if and only if P(A and B) = P(A) P(B).

Two non-empty events A and B are independent if and only if ratio of A in Ω is in proportion to ratio of intersection of A and B in B and visa versa; or P(A) = P(A|B) and P(B) = P(B|A).

Lets take the example from section Union Event. Although events "first die is 3" and "second die is 3" have an non-empty intersection, "both dice are 3", they are independent. By definition,

    x:Pr *./&('3'&=)/&> T               NB. intersection
   x: (Pr '3'={.&> T) * Pr '3'={:&> T   NB. product

Now in projection,

   T#~'3'={:&> T         NB. projection by "second is 3"
   x:Pr '3'={.&> T#~'3'={:&> T    NB. first given second
   x:Pr '3'={.&> T                NB. first alone

See Also